Home Stories RACHEL CANWELL: Not Dusting | 50-Word Stories

RACHEL CANWELL: Not Dusting | 50-Word Stories


Dear Love

It’s been a week. Seven days.
I miss your quiet breath, your constant steady being.
The cat misses you too.
I still lay two plates.
We haven’t dusted.
Because what if those feathery motes that dance in the sunlight are the final pieces of you?

Love Me x

Rachel Canwell is a writer and teacher living in Cumbria. Her debut flash collection ‘Oh I do like to be’ was published by Alien Buddha in July 2022. Her short fiction has been published in Sledgehammer Lit, Pigeon Review, Reflex Press, Selcouth Station and The Birdseed amongst others. She is currently working on her first novel.


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