Merry Christmas! I hope you’re having a cozy and relaxing day no matter how you celebrate! We’ve spent some time with family in Iowa this Christmas, and it’s been wonderful because we actually got to enjoy a White Christmas!
Having snow on Christmas Day is just extra special. Here’s 10 things I’m loving this week!

1. These headbands are making a comeback, and this TikTok had me laughing and feeling so old! Did anyone else wear these in elementary school?
2. I feel like it’s very stereotypical, but starting the new year by organizing the house is a bit of a tradition for us. We take down Christmas usually on New Year’s Day, and then sort and put everything away.
I love the storage containers by the Home Edit—I got this set!
3. I count Desk Set as a holiday movie and usually watch it around New Year’s. The dialogue is witty and fast-paced, and Katherine Hepburn is amazing.
4. I got this coffee frother for Christmas—I’m really excited because you can use it for cold foam, too!
5. One of my goals is always drinking more water and a cute water bottle definitely helps!
6. This mascara has over 100K reviews on Amazon, and I really like it! I usually use Lashify (you can see Laura’s review here), but it’s nice to have an alternative option.
7. Probably my favorite thing I made this Christmas (baking-wise) were these gingerbread mug huggers.
Here’s Elsie’s gingerbread cookie recipe if you want to try your own handmade version!
8. My family celebrates Advent, and these blocks were a really cool way that my toddler was able to follow along with the tradition and learn about why the season is special to us.
9. I’ve been topping all my hot cocoa with marshmallow whipped cream and it does not disappoint. (They have a gingerbread flavor, too!)
10. I think the two favorite toys we got my son for Christmas were this play Target cart and a bubble leaf blower. Watching him use his imagination has been so fun lately!
I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday, and thank you for being here!
P.S. Here are a few posts recent posts in case you missed them!