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10 Things I Love Sunday

10 Things I Love Sunday

Does anyone else feel like their brain is in post Covid-mode? I’m not sure if that’s a legit term, but I’ve felt less motivated lately, and I’m pretty sure a weekend getaway (to recharge) would help.

All I have to do is plan a trip, but part of my brain is like … “are we doing stuff like this now?”. I wasn’t much of a traveler to begin with, but during the lockdown (and Covid spikes) I got a little too used to being at home.

I’ve also been working from home for about a year, and I still struggle with it from time to time. So if you feel that way too, you’re not alone. I re-read this blog post the other day, and it made me feel better.

Anyway, totally spilling my guts to you right now, right before sharing some things I’ve been loving lately. Lol.

colorful flower arrangement on coffee table

1. My friend Sarah posted about a budget-friendly stone diffuser the other day and I bought it immediately. It’s a dupe of the Vitruvi diffuser, and the quality is A+.

2. If you’ve watched the latest season of Stranger Things and still feel terrified, raise your hand.

3. The clean mascara that I always rave about (and rebuy) time and time again.

4. I made Emma’s peanut butter blossom cookies last week. Why didn’t I ever think to use peanut butter cups in the middle of them?!

5. I desperately need to have a yard sale soon, and to make things easier, I bought this kit for under $5.

6. I love pretty much anything with daisies on it—especially this set of socks. So freaking cute.

7. You can barely see my collection in the opening photo, but I’ve been collecting old matchbooks from local (Springfield, MO) businesses for about a year. It’s a fun hobby.

l found this cool retro one on Etsy the other day. I wish I could have stayed there!

8. I’ve been eyeing these face planters for a while, and now they’re on mega sale.

9. The only face oil I’ll ever buy from now on. It’s a blend of 16 different oils, and it works like a dream!

10. If you love microwave popcorn, but don’t love the buttery kind, this popcorn (made with avocado oil) is SO good. It’s become a nightly ritual for me lately.

xo, Jacki

P.S. Here’s a link to last week’s 10 Things Sunday in case you missed it!


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