Research of the Week
More meat, longer life.
Colon cancer patients who survive and eat lots of meat do just fine.
Resistance training is the most effective exercise modality for seniors who want to improve cognitive function.
More serum albumin, longer life.
Higher vitamin D levels, more muscle (in Korean adults).
In infertile men, taking vitamin D improves HDL levels and fasting insulin.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast, Episode 19: The Secrets on Sexual Optimization and Aging with Dr. Amy Killen
Media, Schmedia
Archaeologists uncover a pristine 7000 year-old shrine where ancient Jordanian hunters corralled and slaughtered gazelles.
Lab leak theory now considered the most likely to be true in many circles.
Interesting Blog Posts
Social Notes
Quite the map.
Everything Else
On natural wines.
Nice guide to shellfish.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Classic: “The Skinny on Fats”
Good letter to the editor: Wonder why it was rejected.
Wonder why: Fake meat companies aren’t doing so well.
Incredible: Teen born without legs wins state wrestling championship.
Not surprising: Meat intake a strong predictor of longevity.
Question I’m Asking
How much time do you spend on the floor?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Feb 19 – Feb 25)
Comment of the Week
“Mark i really enjoyed your post today. You made me realize the different types of hunger and whether it was even “real” hunger. Great food for thought today”
-I see what you did there.
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