Going through his possessions, precious memories of their life together flood her heart. The poem she wrote for their seventh anniversary and the memories it invoked. Concert ticket stubs, a photo of them on a ship’s deck. How she missed his quiet strength and the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed! The last decades were magical, but now he is gone.
Hidden in a drawer, she comes across a beautiful wooden box she’s never seen before. She lifts the top and removes a package. It is a moon wrapped in brown paper; so lovingly touched by him. Made of aspen with intricate carvings of craters, it shows his attention to detail. There is a handwritten note. ‘I promised you I would give you the moon and stars. Here’s the moon and when you come, I’ll be waiting to give you the stars.’
©2022 Linda Lee Lyberg
dVerse Poets Pub: Prosery Valentine
Author’s Note: Bjorn has chosen the line ‘It is a moon wrapped in brown paper’ from Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy.