Home Education Are book bans stopping a Marxist “revolution” or whitewashing the past?

Are book bans stopping a Marxist “revolution” or whitewashing the past?


Somewhere in Indiana, I ran into a ghost of the Queens grandmother who brought down a schools chancellor more than 25 years ago — all over a book called “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

The story of a fictional little girl named Heather with two moms enraged conservative families, who were dead-set against a Rainbow curriculum that included teaching social issues in classrooms. The story dominated headlines for more than a year, cost New York City Schools Chancellor Joseph Fernandez his job and opened a new chapter in the culture wars.

Fast forward to 2022. During a recent visit to Indiana, I watched a video from Purple for Parents Indiana, a chapter of a national group that pushes parental rights with a goal to “protect children from harmful agendas saturating the education system.”


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