I believe that good design increases the quality of life. I believe in the healing powers of color and the magical properties of plants. I believe that creativity, not wealth, is the key to having an amazing home. Because of these beliefs, I’m so excited to share: Opalhouse designed with Jungalow — a home collection that will roll out in most Target stores starting June 13, and will be available for purchase on Target.com on June 26. Starting TODAY you can preview the collection at Target.com and heart all your faves. I don’t wanna toot my own horn here *too* much, but I have a feeling there will be a whole lotta hearting going on! This is an incredible milestone for me and my team, and working with Target to bring to life these nearly 300 (!!!) pieces was truly a pleasure, an honor and just really, really fun. I hope y’all can feel the joy through every tassel, stripe and stroke of my paintbrush! Get ready to get very jungalicious and to see, feel and hear the stories behind the collection here on the blog in the coming weeks! #TargetStyle #Jungalow #JungalowXTarget