england hedgerows

england hedgerows

I’m sick at home today, so let’s talk about something fun: What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?

england fields

For me, three answers come to mind. First are drives through the English countryside. Cows, hedgerows, flowers, thatched cottages, it’s all so gorgeous.

Paris rooftops

Paris rooftops also get me every time. (Except check out the world’s tiniest elevator in an Airbnb we once stayed in, yiiiiikes.)

maine ferry

Vinalhaven Maine

Finally, Maine is a magical, windswept place. My niece Elizabeth Cady was actually named after Acadia National Park!

There are so many gorgeous places in the world, I wish I could beam myself all over. What about you? What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?

P.S. More conversation starters: What words should exist in English, and what are five things in your kitchen you’d never be caught without?

(First England photo by Edward Fury/Stocksy. Second England photo by Liam Grant/Stocksy. Paris rooftops photos by Alicia Bock/Stocksy. Maine photos by Greta Rybus for Cup of Jo.)