Home Stories FRANCESCA MORRISON: The Fort | 50-Word Stories

FRANCESCA MORRISON: The Fort | 50-Word Stories


The river flowed.
Tiny fingers prised giant rocks.
Muscles piled the fort higher.
The river flowed.
Snow came.
The sun melted it.
The river broke its banks.
The fort was overrun.
Smaller pebbles shifted.
The fort was submerged.
The river flowed.
It subsided.
The fort reappeared, triumphant.
The river flowed.

Francesca Morrison is a born and bred Londoner now living in Vancouver. She walks the river trails every day with her dog and sometimes kids in tow. That’s where she got inspiration for this piece. Francesca recently came runner up in a Flash Fiction contest and was longlisted for the CANSCAIP 2022 Writing for Children Competition. She meets regularly with two critique groups and is a member of the 12×12 Challenge.


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