Home Stories HEATHER HAIGH: Two Sundays | 50-Word Stories

HEATHER HAIGH: Two Sundays | 50-Word Stories


Deckchairs sprawled around a bandstand, sunlight kissing polished instruments, twirling golden toffees unwrapping leisurely, a swelling oompa-oompa, and Grandpa’s age-spotted hand tapping his knee.

Huddled around a bed, lights dimmed, Mum kissing him, the slide of drooping eyelids, an irregular beep, and Grandpa’s hand, flutter-bird frail, tapping a waffle blanket.

Heather is a sight-impaired spoonie and emerging working-class writer from Yorkshire. Her work has been published by Fictive Dream, The Phare, Free Flash Fiction and others. She has won competitions with New Writers and Globe Soup and has been nominated for Best of the Net.


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