Hello, 50-word authors!
For the past several years, I have routinely sent out notices at the end of each month to authors whose stories were not selected to be published. Due to time constraints, I have unfortunately very rarely been able to provide feedback or critiques, but I felt it was important for people to know that their story had been read and considered.
The volume of submitted stories has consistently grown over the years, to the point that I’ve been sending out hundreds of emails at the end of each month, which is a fairly tedious process but still one that I felt was worthwhile. But… my email service has begun applying much more aggressive spam filtering recently, which means that the majority of the unused-story emails I send are now being bounced back to me.
Since most of the emails aren’t getting through, and the process of sending them is time-consuming, I’ve decided that I will no longer be sending out notifications for unused stories. That said, you’re welcome to inquire after your story at month’s end if you think there’s a chance it didn’t go through somehow, or if you’re hoping for some feedback.
Thanks for understanding, and thank you for continuing to read and write microfiction!