Home Tv Shows How to Become a Wardrobe Stylist for TV Shows

How to Become a Wardrobe Stylist for TV Shows

How to Become a Wardrobe Stylist for TV Shows

When you watch TV shows, are you paying more attention to what the actors are wearing than the TV show’s plot? If you enjoy thinking about what types of clothing suit a character, then a career as a TV show wardrobe stylist might be for you.

What Does a Wardrobe Stylist Do

TV show wardrobe stylists dress the actors in a TV show. They also ensure that the clothes look their best when outfits are used and that the right actor is wearing it for the right scene.

Depending on the TV show’s budget, the wardrobe stylist might also be involved in developing the look or style for a character. They could be required to source the clothes—finding items that fit a character’s style while staying within the wardrobe department’s budget.

What Skills Does a Wardrobe Stylist Need

As a wardrobe stylist, you’ll need to be attentive to details, even something minor as a wrong necklace on a character can make a difference.

You’ll need strong communication and interpersonal skills. You’ll work closely with the TV show’s actors, people in the wardrobe department, and people on the set. It’s important to be able to listen to the needs of others regarding the TV show’s wardrobe and look, as well as communicate your position.

Particularly on TV shows with a limited budget, you’ll need to be able to think flexibly and creatively. At some point, you’ll likely have to find creative ways to reuse certain wardrobe pieces to help make the wardrobe budget stretch. Problem-solving and staying calm under time pressures are a must, as things can get hectic and chaotic behind the scenes.

How Do You Become a Wardrobe Stylist for TV Shows

To become a wardrobe stylist for TV shows, having some specialized training and experience is helpful. But, most importantly, you’ll need to stay up-to-date on current fashion trends.

Education Requirements

Earning an associate’s degree in fashion or fashion design can help you understand the creative and business side of the industry. It can also help when applying for jobs. But don’t worry. It’s not a requirement.

If you can’t complete a degree at this time, consider signing up for a few fashion—focused classes or looking for online courses to gain a better understanding of the industry.

Search for Internships

Internships are a common way to gain real experience as a wardrobe stylist. This type of experience provides you with the opportunity to see the wardrobe stylist’s position in action, including interacting with others on the set and how to handle problems professionally.

You can also apply to be an assistant to the wardrobe stylist if an internship isn’t an option. You will gain the same real-world experience as you would by completing an internship.

Regardless of which opportunity you find, this job will provide you with possible references for future work and can help you start networking with other professionals.

Create a Professional Portfolio and Resume

Having a professional portfolio and resume already made will make it easier when applying for jobs. Be sure to keep it up-to-date as you acquire more experience.

Keep track of references and testimonials to help you when applying for jobs.

Get Your Name Out There

By creating an online presence, you can build your network and learn about job opportunities. Have your portfolio online. Get involved in industry discussions on Twitter or in relevant Facebook groups. Be selective and targeted when using social media so you can start building your network.

Contacting agents, managers, makeup artists, and hair stylists that work on TV shows can help you make connections and find work. They may not have a job opportunity when you first connect with them, but that could change in the future. Making genuine connections with other professionals can help you find work or help you build your network.

Putting It All Together Stylishly

Being a wardrobe stylist for TV shows can require long hours, time pressures, and unexpected wardrobe problems that need solving in a hurry.

But it also comes with rewards like seeing a character’s personality come to life helped in part by the wardrobe you put together. If you love expressing your creativity through clothing and style, a career as a wardrobe stylist for TV shows might fit you just right.


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