Home News 5 Best Ways To Use Video Marketing For SaaS Businesses

5 Best Ways To Use Video Marketing For SaaS Businesses


Video marketing for SaaS can help you drive quality traffic to your e-commerce business. Using video marketing is one of the simplest ways to improve engagement with the target audience, build lasting relationships with prospects, improve customer loyalty, and accelerate sales. 

In a recent study, it has been shown that an average site visitor will spend 88% more time with a video and retain at least 95% of the message on the site. Video content represents 82% of internet traffic, an essential marketing strategy for any SaaS business.  

Since most SaaS companies are already using video in their marketing strategy, it has become a bit hectic to drive conversion and boost sales. 

Here are some tips you should apply if you want to use video marketing to boost sales for your SaaS business.

1. Create Explainer or Demo videos 

You can start using video maker to make explainer and demo videos to educate prospects about your products and services. At least four in every five people visiting your site will find demo videos more useful to them than text. Demo videos make it easy for you to make the most abstract concepts easy for your audience to digest.  

Use demo videos to expound on the key features of your products. Highlight the benefits and other hidden specs that your customers should know. If you want to make the video more engaging, ensure it is below 2 minutes. You should only focus on offering solutions to the problems that your customers face when creating your demo or explainer video.

2. Write Testimonials and case studies 

Leading seo agencies suggest that customers want to buy from brands that offer solutions in the real world. If you want to establish social proof, you should always make case studies and testimonial videos for your target audience.

Apply storytelling concepts to tell a unique story to your audience of how your brand offers a tangible solution to customer problems. You can invite one of your customers for the video or simply tell any success story on the video. 

This is what you should do when making your case study and testimonial videos:

  • Emphasize key points by highlighting results with some metrics
  • Make the video short
  • Create a more compelling story with before and after case
  • Create a focused piece that will keep your audience engaged by editing the video footage

3. Make social videos 

A social media video post will get you 1200% more shares than image and text posts. That is how powerful a short and engaging video is to your marketing strategy. 

Social videos such as animated videos should be part of your marketing campaign to focus more on peer recommendations. 

You can use LinkedIn videos to reach a larger audience, deliver a specific message to your target audience, and generate leads. Social videos are also the best you can use to educate your prospects about your brand and grow your sales revenue in the process. Use social videos to spike a conversation, increase engagement, and reach many people.

4. Create customer support videos 

Customers may have many questions they want to ask about your brand before they can make that final step to buy. If you want to answer most of these questions, you can create a how-to video and publish it on your social media and website. 

You can ask your customer care desk to share the videos with your target audience when answering questions to facilitate troubleshooting. This way, you streamline customer support while improving the experience with your brand at the same time.

5. Publish trending news and expert reviews 

Most people appreciate content that can solve most of their problems by offering solutions or guides. When you share educational content through interviews and analysis of trends in any industry, you can establish an authority for your brand by building trust. 

Live streams and webinars are some of the best formats you should apply for this type of content. You can use educational videos for event promotion and recap. This way, you can drive traffic back to your landing pages and enhance lead generation

Final Thoughts 

When possible, you can show your viewers how they can use your products as solutions to what they have learned in the video.

Always ensure your videos have a call to action to generate more leads and put your viewers on the buyer journey. Apply the five tips shared here if you want to use video marketing to improve your SaaS sales in 2022.


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