Research of the Week
Among patients with invasive breast cancer, metformin does not seem to help.
“Long COVID” doesn’t appear on any blood tests.
Resistance training and mortality.
The gut regulates emotions in women.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast Episode 30: Kelly Leveque on Weight Loss, Blood Sugar, Cancer and Pediatric Nutrition e
Primal Health Coach Radio: Kimberly Spencer
Media, Schmedia
“Medical breakthroughs” on social media versus in reality.
Interesting Blog Posts
For a little while, New York was oyster heaven on Earth.
Grass is the crop, cattle the combines.
Social Notes
What’s the worst that can happen?
Everything Else
Is it really the answer?
Is this the oldest tree in the world?
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Uncharted territory: Genetic embryo testing (and selection) is here.
Good idea: Walking groups for men (and women, for that matter).
Interesting article: On rebound COVID after using Pavloxid.
Unsurprising: More eggs, less metabolic syndrome.
Question I’m Asking
What are your summer goals?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (May 21 – May 27)
Comment of the Week
“i hate small talk, i do not see any use in it….”
-Try asking questions. Better way to frame it.
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