Home Stories KITTY LASCURAIN: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

KITTY LASCURAIN: An Offer You Can’t Refuse


You Sammy’s guy? Here about the Caddy? Yeah, he said you’d show.

She’s a beaut: sleek black finish, stain-resistant interior, extra-large trunk… real classy like. Fast? Fuhgeddaboudit! Tell you what; hows about we go for a little ride, eh? Try her out?

You deaf, wise guy? I said get in.

Kitty Lascurain is a DC-area journalist with a serious “I’d-rather-be-writing-fiction” problem. She has published several short stories and is the proud recipient of The Florida Writers Association’s “Royal Palm Literary Award,” which she keeps on her desk next to an ever-growing pile of rejection letters.


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