Home Business How Chocolate Fat Fish’s Young Founder Is Helping Other Kid Entrepreneurs

How Chocolate Fat Fish’s Young Founder Is Helping Other Kid Entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurship doesn’t come with an age limit – just ask the founder of Chocolate Fat Fish!

The young founder started his own candy company at just seven years of age. Now, he’s helping other kids do the same. Read about his story and the unique company he started in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Selling various candy products.

Founder Henry MacLane told Small Business Trends, “We sell color coded candy bag. But with this new program we’re starting, we are also selling subscriptions.”

Business Niche

A young founder.

MacLane is just 11 years old. And now, he’s offering a subscription service to help other young people sell candy too. The program is just for entrepreneurs between 7 and 14 years old.

How the Business Got Started

With another sweet treat.

MacLane says, “I started this business when I was seven and selling door to door Hershey’s Syrup out of my cabinet to raise money to start my candy company.”

Biggest Win

Starting the young entrepreneur program.

MacLane adds, “The biggest win I’ve ever had was probably starting this program and getting this far in less than three months.”

Biggest Risk

Investing money into starting the business.

MacLane explains, “The biggest risk my business ever took was when I started this business and invested $500 into it. If it went wrong I would have lost that money or I would be in debt right now.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Stepping up operations.

MacLane adds, “I would first set up a manufacturing plant for my candy and then use the rest of the money for advertising.”

Business Symbol

A candy-loving fish.

MacLane says, “Our logo is a fish surrounded by candy and I thought that was cool.”

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Image: Chocolate Fat Fish, Henry MacLane


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