Home Education Word of the Day: muster

Word of the Day: muster


The word muster has appeared in 251 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on April 12 in “Passing the Last Puzzle Piece to the Next Generation” by Rebecca Swanson:

We felt my father’s absence in every movement when we played games, walked around the block, sat at his place on the sofa or told stories about him. I wanted to keep his memories alive, in this house, for all of us.

But when I quietly pulled the box from the corner of the garage, I didn’t tell my children that Grandpa never got to see the final puzzle. This felt too sad for my little ones.

“Hey, do you want to do a puzzle with me?” I asked my youngest, with the lightest voice I could muster.

“OK,” he said simply. His brother wandered over to help.

Can you correctly use the word muster in a sentence?

Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this article. It is most important that your sentence makes sense and demonstrates that you understand the word’s definition, but we also encourage you to be creative and have fun.

Then, read some of the other sentences students have submitted and use the “Recommend” button to vote for two original sentences that stand out to you.

If you want a better idea of how muster can be used in a sentence, read these usage examples on Vocabulary.com.

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Students ages 13 and older in the United States and the United Kingdom, and 16 and older elsewhere, can comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff.


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