Home Travel The 23 Best Destinations for Solo Female Travelers

The 23 Best Destinations for Solo Female Travelers


Welcome, fellow solo traveler. This is where your adventure begins. Solo traveling is a beautiful gift. You’re going to learn so much about yourself, make so many fabulous new friends, meet so many beautiful strangers, and see so many vibrant landscapes and skyscrapers, too. The world is your oyster, but the question is, where do you start?

When I see lists like these I often just see suggestions for places women should travel to solo based on only one thing: safety. While crime stats are worth noting, they’re not the defining factor for a great place for women to travel alone. The best destinations aren’t just the popular and well-trodden ones, either. Some of the best places to travel to by yourself might be in the places you least expected, or didn’t even know existed yet.

PS: Traveling alone for the first time? These 10 destinations are perfect for you:

The best places will be where locals are particularly friendly and welcoming, or it’s social due to a shared interest like surfing or diving, and even though it might be off the beaten path a bit, it’s not so remote that you’ll be the only one there. It still has that special charm that makes it feel authentic and inviting.

Sounds amazing, right? So where can you find these places? I’ve searched high and low, and these are some of my favorite destinations for solo female travel – they might surprise you:

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After traveling for over seven years, mostly by myself, I’ve found some really special gems around this world that seemed to have that special something that was missing from many others, and all of these places have that.

I was delighted to find, sometimes in places I least expected, that such friendly people and amazing social atmosphere could exist, and that’s the beauty of traveling on your own.

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