Home Future Starting to think about how the climate crisis hits campuses

Starting to think about how the climate crisis hits campuses


This week I published a short article about the climate crisis and academia.  Specifically, it’s an introduction to how the emergency can strike physical campuses.

The Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) was kind enough to publish “Anticipating the Climate Crisis on Campus” in the latest issue of their Learning by Design journal.

Anticipating the Climate Crisis on Campus, page one

There I touch on building design, weather-driven disasters, new architectural concepts, power sources, geographical variation, air conditioning, heat protection, community partnerships, direct air capture of carbon dioxide, and more.  It’s a lot to cram into a short piece, but the issues are complex. There is so much to discuss in this huge topic!

Consider it one way into the field described by Universities on Fire.

I hope that today’s article can connect campus planners with the rest of the academy within the growing conversation about the climate emergency.  Then, beyond discussion, action should follow.

Thank you to SCUP and the editorial team for this opportunity.

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