Recently, Supreme Court observed that “many people are making false claim for Covid 19 death compensation” which is against the morality because we have witnessed the no. of deaths and the situation where no one was to take care of many children, people died due to oxygen shortage, and the conditions were worst all over the world. But miscreants stand first against love, justice, morality. The Government focused on those who lost their loved ones and providing them compensation though no one can compensate the life of the deceased but fifty thousand each for deceased persons is given so that their dependents can survive.
The Central Government suggested “four weeks” as the deadline for claiming compensation for Covid 19 deaths. But Supreme Court didn’t agree with them and made an observation that ‘families need time to recover from the death of their loved ones and file the claim’.
When you are in grief, you can’t think of anything that is the reason why in Hindu Religion, food is not prepared at home during rituals after death of family members.
So, the Supreme Court extended the time limit and suggested giving 60 days more for families to file their claims for compensation.
They also extended the time limit for future death to 90 days.
Apart from this, they said that the concerned Government need not to strictly apply the time limit and take any reasonable delay into consideration.