She is seven years old: half the life expectancy of her kind. She’s become depressed and lonely.
Her mistress has arthritis in her throwing arm but wisdom in her old soul—it’s time to call for reinforcement!
Now she has renewed vigor; the light’s returned to her eyes.
Hello, puppy.
Cate Covert hails from sunny Idaho, U.S.A. She has been telling stories since she could talk. She is a gardener and amateur herbalist, plays guitar and piano, and loves baking bread and making beaded jewelry. Most of all, Cate Covert loves to engage her reading and listening audiences. You can read her frequent inspirational writings, poetry, flash fiction, and humorous stories at Cate Covert on Chadashah.org or her Inspirational essays and bible studies at Pastora Cate’s Corner on Substack.