Goosebumps flock my forearms as I sign my own death certificate.
Beads of sweat race, cool down my back; it feels good.
All I’m taking with me is my love of singing the gospel.
Never again will he own me.
One last call:
“Hey, Nungen, it’s me, Aaron.”
“I’m ok.”
Verity’s first love is writing and she has been honing her craft for many years. Well travelled, she once took a cruiser out to Alcatraz where she was locked in solitary confinement for an hour. “That hour felt like days,” she recalls with a sense of accomplishment. It’s experiences like this one that fuel her imagination. Published numerous times on spillwords.com, her portfolio of writing extends from the fantastic to the personal. Verity’s passion is to play with words, enticing and tickling you into her stories.