Where’d she go?
Could I have mislaid her?
Or did she, in a feint, blur from view?
Did she take wing on a milk thistle puff?
Or, pressing heels into rippling flanks, riding the mare’s chord of song, land born anew on childhood’s moon?
Perhaps I dreamt her all along?
Mikki Aronoff’s work appears in New World Writing, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Tiny Molecules, HAD, Bending Genres, Milk Candy Review, Gone Lawn, Mslexia, The Dribble Drabble Review, 100 word story, The Citron Review, Atlas and Alice, trampset, jmww, The Offing, and elsewhere. She’s received Pushcart, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best American Short Stories, and Best Microfiction nominations.