Today, we got an alert saying that Hand Luggage Only (yup, the very same one you’re reading this on right now), just hit the 1 million monthly page views milestone.
1 Million!!! WOW!!! 🎉
I can’t even fully process it – mostly because I can’t picture 1 million of one thing in the same place. It’s absolutely incredible and has left us with a huge smile on our faces all day!
Now for someone who says they don’t like to talk much about numbers, I’m only too aware of the irony of this blog post (there is a lot more to travel and blogging than just numbers) but I’m gonna have to make an exception here – this is a big one!!! 🙂 1 MILLION!
I remember not to long ago when I was speaking to a guy about the blog and I mentioned something about the blog potentially hitting the 1 million monthly mark. He quite literally laughed in my face… then today happened and it reminded me of how little you should pay attention to people’s ideas of limits. The limits tend to be more about them and not about you.
Funnily enough, the first time anything big happened on the blog was actually in Lisbon (it was that time I though the website was hacked but it turns out, an article had gone viral) and so it seems so apt to have hit that milestone being back in Lisbon (and at the Four Seasons Lisbon no less #HumbleBrag – haha!)

But the real reason behind the 1 million of course if quite literally YOU! Like the 1 million didn’t just happen on its own – it happened thanks to you. You read, shared, commented and generally supported the blog all the way through to where we are right now and the 1 million milestone is every bit about you as it is about us. We are so grateful to be a part of this ever-growing community of travellers and can’t thank you enough for helping us create something out of seemingly nothing.
I’m gonna stop here but thanks again for such an amazing milestone!
*P.S.: Below are two photos from the very first trip we took together – long before we even thought of starting Hand Luggage Only – boy has our waistline expanded since then! 😁😆
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