We’re doing a series of product reviews here on Wit & Delight where I offer more in-depth information on tried and true products I’ve been using for months (or years) that have changed my daily routine for the better. These reviews are intended to provide detailed information on products that may be of interest to you, so if and when you’re in the market for such an item, you have all the info you need to decide whether or not to make a purchase.
Wit & Delight’s content creator, Greta, and I are both sharing our personal reviews of this product. We’ve talked a bit about this product on Instagram and there was such a positive response that I wanted to share more details in a blog post.
I do want to note that the decision to remove or keep body hair is a very personal one. We’re sharing this for anyone who is interested in learning more about this at-home hair removal option. If you’re not interested in body hair removal, please feel free to skip this post!
We’ve both had this product since January 2022. This product was gifted to each of us from the brand but this post is not sponsored in any way. We simply wanted to share our experiences with it since we’ve both found it so helpful.
How often do you use this device?
Kate: In all honesty, I rushed into using this product when I first got it last winter (without reading the usage instructions… I don’t encourage this!) and used it on my legs every other day for several weeks. The brand recommends using it twice per week for the first two months to see permanent results, followed by a maintenance treatment once every 1-2 months if needed.
I took a break from using the product this past summer since it’s recommended to avoid sun exposure on treated areas immediately after use. I plan to resume use this winter, both with maintenance treatments on my legs as needed and a full treatment on my armpits.
Greta: I used the product consistently last winter—twice per week for eight weeks, as recommended by the brand—on my armpits, legs, and bikini line. I wanted to make sure I got a good amount of use while my skin was as protected from sun exposure as possible. I plan to do maintenance treatments as needed this winter.
What is your routine when using The Flasher from Nood?
Kate: I suggest following the recommended routine from Nood, which you can find on their website here. They also have a wealth of additional information on their FAQ page and blog.
Greta: My process involves showering, exfoliating with Nood’s exfoliating cleanser and shaving while in the shower, drying my skin completely post-shower, and following the steps of The Flasher. Afterward, I moisturize my skin really well.
What are your overall thoughts on how effectively this device removes body hair?
Kate: I think this product works well in terms of lengthening the amount of time between shaving. I have pretty soft hair and it has been effective for me. I find that much less hair grows back on my legs now and any hair that does is thinner. It was really nice to be able to see a noticeable difference relatively quickly.
Greta: This product has helped thin out my hair, lengthening the time between each shave. On the backs of my legs, the hair has not grown back at all. It has also drastically improved my issues with ingrown hairs.
Overall, I think this is an efficient, effective device that’s easy to use. It definitely takes a commitment to see results, but I think it’s been worth it to save the money I would have spent getting laser hair removal done at a clinic.
Are there any issues you’ve noticed with the product?
Kate: I haven’t noticed any issues with the product itself, although it is a little painful to use (but not nearly as painful as getting a wax).
Greta: No, I really love everything about it. It is even less painful than I had expected it to be. I would compare the “zaps” to a light pinch or the snap of a rubber band. I experience the most discomfort during treatment on my bikini line, which I think is partly because of the awkward angle that’s required to treat the area myself.
Kate: Anyone who wants the convenience of long-term hair removal from the comfort and privacy of home should consider buying this product. At $270 (currently on sale for $189!) it’s also significantly less costly than regular waxing or consistent laser hair removal treatments.
Greta: I think this product would be great for anyone who’s considering laser hair removal, for whatever reason that might be, but isn’t particularly excited about the financial commitment. I had always wanted to get laser hair removal but it felt like such a hefty investment, so I’m grateful this option is available!
Editor’s Note: This article contains affiliate links. Wit & Delight uses affiliate links as a source of revenue to fund operations of the business and to be less dependent on branded content. Wit & Delight stands behind all product recommendations. Still have questions about these links or our process? Feel free to email us.

Kate is currently learning to play the Ukulele, much to the despair of her husband, kids, and dogs. Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_.