I am the best version of myself at brunch.
Brunch is not too early in the morning that I’ll be tired and not too late in the day that I’ll be, well, tired. It’s a way to socialize while my energy stores for such an activity are still relatively high (hello, fellow introverts). And THEN. Then there’s the food.
Brunch recipes are all of the good things combined. They’re savory, sweet, and hearty in the very best way.
Brunch is a delight, which is why I decided to put together a post dedicated to brunch recipes, broken up into four categories.
Hopefully, this guide of brunch recipes will come in handy the next time you’re hosting a brunch of your own. And always keep in mind that if you are hosting a brunch (or any other meal), you can ask others to bring a dish too! I’m all for dividing up tasks and making the hosting process a little easier.
A Little Nibble
This is, of course, optional, and I’m not even going to call it an appetizer because brunch doesn’t call for an appetizer; brunch calls for a nibble.
Here’s the deal: If the company you keep is known to stagger their arrival times and you want to delay the main dishes because of this, having a little pre-meal nibble to set out while you finish up in the kitchen will never lead you astray. Keep it simple! Think hummus and chopped veggies, cheese and crackers, or a couple of pastries picked up from your local bakery.
A Main Course
To me, the main course generally includes eggs. To you, it might be something entirely different. It may even bend toward the lunch side of brunch, which is a-okay. Whatever it may be, I tend to prefer a one-pan dish that can easily be scooped up (rather than something that needs to be made or tended to individually). Here are a few ideas!
1. Egg and Croissant Brunch Bake from Pinch of Yum – Recipe Here
I’ve made this recipe twice and it is so very good. The recipe calls for ham but I’m a vegetarian and swap it out for broccoli and sautéed mushrooms—it’s delicious.
2. Frittatas from Cookie + Kate – Recipe Here
3. Shakshuka from Love & Lemons – Recipe Here
A Few Sides
I always like to have a couple of sides available at brunch. This also comes in handy if your guests happen to have dietary restrictions (especially those who may not tell you this ahead of time). If someone can’t eat the main course, they’ll have some sides to enjoy.
When it comes to sides, my personal preference is to choose two types of salads, salads being an incredibly broad term. Below are a few ideas:
4. Avocado Citrus Salad from How Sweet Eats – Recipe Here
5. Arugula Salad With Olives, Feta, and Dill from Food & Wine – Recipe Here
6. Farro and Brussels Sprouts Salad – Recipe Below
I have made this salad for approximately ten brunches now. It is very tasty and always a crowd-pleaser. The recipe was adapted heavily from Real Simple, although that version is no longer available on their site. Why? I do not know. My version goes as follows:
- Farro: Cook 1 bag (~1.5 cups) of farro according to the package instructions, ideally with vegetable stock instead of water (but water works just fine too).
- Brussels Sprouts: Chop ~1 pound Brussels sprouts in half, season with salt, pepper, and olive oil, and roast for 20 min at 400 degrees, flipping halfway through.
- Pumpkin Seeds: Lightly toast ~½ cup pumpkin seeds in a pan with salt, pepper, and olive oil over low-medium heat until slightly browned.
- Pomegranate Seeds: De-seed ½ of a pomegranate. (I would not recommend the pre-packaged pomegranate seeds—I used these once and it threw the flavor alllll the way off).
- Dressing: Mix your dressing and let it get to know itself in a bowl or jar for about 10 minutes. Dressing ingredients include: 1 minced shallot, ¼ cup lemon juice, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp salt, and 1 tsp honey.
- Mix everything together in one big bowl: farro, Brussels sprouts, toasted pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, dressing, AND a generous handful (or more) of shaved Parmesan. If you have extra, this will keep for a few days in the fridge if you’d like to eat it for lunch or a snack later!
A Little Something Sweet

To end your meal (or served alongside everything else!), it’s always a treat to enjoy a little something sweet. Consider making one of these delectable recipes:
7. Easy Blueberry Baked Oatmeal from A Couple Cooks – Recipe Here
8. Lemon Sesame Loaves With Lemon Drizzle from Sophia Roe – Recipe Here
9. Brioche Cinnamon Rolls With Brown Butter Frosting from Sarah Kieffer – Recipe Here

Jackie is the Editorial Director at Wit & Delight. In her spare time, you can find her running along the river road, loitering in the vicinity of the nearest puppy at a local brewery, or recharging her soul in her tiny sanctuary of an apartment. You can follow her on Instagram @jackiesaffert.