“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.”
― Ernesto Che Guevara
Under the color of night, a full beaver’s moon shines
with an ethereal red bloom obscured in vagrant clouds
while pristine stars shine through the blood-stained veil
wearing their alluring light like a shroud.
As the last eclipse of a momentous year bleeds
Is this an omen of hope and good things to come
Where justice and simple truth prevail
Or will all the good we’ve done be swept away
By the violence and lies of the uncouth?
©2022 Linda Lee Lyberg
Author’s Note: I have faith that truth will prevail!
Written for dVerse Poetics: First Your Assistance and Then a Razzie or two!
Linda Lee Lyberg is a wife, mother, artist, published poet and author. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 26 years and their latest rescue, Jackson “Jax” Lyberg. Linda writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. You can read more of her works at: charmedchaos.com and view anthologies containing her work here: Amazon Author Page