Get ready for a wild ride! Astrologically speaking, November is a month to watch, with a lot of the planets clashing in the sky as we align with the transformative energy of Scorpio season. This will create a great amount of tension and decisions will need to be made. Whenever in doubt, don’t allow fear to paralyze you—and err on the side of freedom! If there was ever a time to trust the universal concept of change, that time is now.
A friendly reminder that Mars, the planet of drive, ambition, conflict, and sex, is currently retrograde. For this reason, November is not a good month to sign any important contracts, launch any major projects, or take a relationship to the next level.
November brings the last eclipse season of the year, meaning that sudden endings and beginnings will take place. Eclipses expose previously hidden information, aligning us with our truest path. This will be felt especially at the beginning of the month, leading toward the November 8 full moon lunar eclipse.
By the time November 16 arrives, the energy will begin to mellow out and healing will start to take place. Sagittarius season arrives on November 22, bringing an end to the intensity of the eclipse season. So, toward the end of the month, focus on having fun, expanding your mind, and celebrating life to the fullest!
Find out what November has in store for your zodiac sign in your monthly horoscope below!
Want even more? Read the 2022 horoscopes forecast for the entire year and find all of our monthly horoscope content saved here.
Your ruler, Mars, is now retrograde, which means that for the next two and a half months, you will have to create more awareness around the way you express yourself, Aries. Getting regular exercise will also be key in moments of stress. In the end, Mars retrograde will teach you that there is value in slowing down, taking breaks, and chasing your ambitions with more intention.
While the first half of the month is bound to feel intensified, the vibe begins to change as soon as November 17 arrives. From this day on, the cosmos will inspire you to seek newness in your life. With the free time you have on your hands, try to enroll in a coaching program or study group. By doing so, you’re setting yourself up for success in 2023!
Driven Mars is now retrograde in your sector of finances, Taurus, which could lead you to overspend. This influence will be specifically strong during the first half of the month, when you’re bound to feel emotionally triggered. When it comes to spending, consider opting more for pampering options rather than material items.
A majorly important moment arrives around the November 8 full moon lunar eclipse, Taurus. A relationship or two could change at this time, leading you to abandon some of your deep-seated beliefs. Remember that, for you, this year is all about abandoning the old and stepping into the new—this is the universe’s plan for you! Once your ruler, Venus, enters Sagittarius on November 16, the winds will shift, and life will become sweeter and more predictable.
November could be a trying month, Gemini, but if you work with the current cosmic forces at play, you can grow a lot personally and spiritually. You have already been feeling the intensity of having Mars—the planet of drive, ambition, and conflict—retrograde in your sign. Turn your antenna on around November 8, as the events that transpire now will be key when it comes to handling the lessons of this retrograde. A moment of clarity could arrive as the full moon lunar eclipse discloses some previously hidden and important information.
Once Sagittarius season arrives on November 22, the focus turns to your relationships. At times, you might feel like the world is against you—it’s not! You are being called to balance differences of opinions and also to begin adopting a completely new mentality about life.
November brings a blast from the past, Cancer, and the excitement that this time, something could actually materialize. This is not the time to commit to anything serious, though, as you don’t have the full story yet! If the opportunity can’t be delayed until late January, then it means it wasn’t for you.
If you have children, they could occupy a lot of your time this November. If you don’t, the first half of the month is ideal for connecting with your creative side, especially around the emotionally draining November 8 full moon lunar eclipse. Enjoy playing with arts, crafts, and maybe even artistic apps—because once Sagittarius season arrives on November 22, you could have less free time due to this season bringing a heavier workload your way.
November looks like a pretty busy month for you, Leo, when you might have to balance sudden changes at work with the need to spend more time at home. Don’t let pride get in the way and ask for help, as some people in your life would be honored to be there for you. This will be especially true at the November 8 full moon lunar eclipse, which is sure to ruffle some feathers.
The eclipse intensity begins to slow down as soon as November 16 arrives, shifting your attention to fun and play. For you, Sagittarius season (November 22-December 20) is all about being creative and reconnecting with your inner child. 2022 has been a year full of change, twists, and turns—so why not enjoy the chance to have fun?!
Protect your energy, Virgo. The planets will be activating your third house of communication, which means that endless messages, emails, and DMs will be blowing up your devices. To find peace, try spending some time away from your phone, especially before going to bed. Do expect some secrets to be exposed around November 8, when the full moon lunar eclipse illuminates information.
Starting November 16, the focus begins to shift toward your home and family. You might get the chance to spend more time working from home—or might even decide to begin redecorating your place. If you do decide to enter this journey, the November 23 new moon is perfect for starting or getting clear on your palettes and design.
For you, Libra, the first part of November is about adapting to changes in money and finances, as the eclipses instigate change in this area of your life. If you share finances with a serious partner, downloading new apps can help you stay organized and on top of things.
Your ruler, Venus, will be in a little bit of a tough position in the sky until November 16. So, if you’re feeling down during these days, know that better times are coming, and focus on rest and self-reflection. Once the second part of November arrives, you will slowly begin feeling like yourself again, ready to party and enjoy life. You might even decide to travel somewhere that has a special place in your heart, reminiscing on memories that once brought you joy.
Happy birthday, Scorpio! You have reached a pinnacle point along your journey, a highly transformative time. If there was ever a time to abandon the old and embrace the new—that time is now, even if it seems scary. There is a specific focus on all kinds of relationships, so expect some movement in this area of your life. If someone is no longer aligned with your path, this month’s ultra-powerful November 8 eclipse might steer them away.
Once Sagittarius season arrives on November 22, the vibe mellows out for you, allowing you to focus on either your finances or your own self-worth. The November 23 new moon is an incredible opportunity to come up with a new budget or set intentions around a creative project that is close to your heart.
So much is happening for you below the surface, Sagittarius, so instead of rushing around this month, try focusing on the dreams, visions, or signs you receive. The more you embrace quiet, solo time and introspection, the clearer your vision forward will be, especially at the beginning of the month.
November 16 is a special day, which is when lover Venus begins to grace your life. For the next two weeks, you’ll have the gift of gab and the ability to attract romance as well as abundance. Combined with the bright Sun illuminating your sign starting November 22, you have some lucky stars on your side. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, wakes up from its four-month retrograde on November 23, most likely bringing an opportunity or nice surprise your way.
Your planetary ruler, Saturn, went direct at the end of October. This could help projects that were stuck for a while begin to move forward, which is great news. Remember, however, that Mars is retrograde in your sector of daily work, so try to delay any important contracts or deals until the end of January. Instead, focus on projects that were started earlier in the year.
November is also a month that will request some rest from you, as it is the time of the year in which your energy seems to lower a bit. You will feel this vibration the most on November 17 and November 22. Try giving yourself more time to rest and catch up on sleep. This will allow you to be more conscious of your choices and desires.
Taskmaster Saturn is now direct in your sign, so you’re most likely being called to work hard either in your career or on a certain family or life situation. Remember, Aquarius, your sense of responsibility is being tested, and it matters how you show up now. This is also an energy that helps you build something meaningful and that will last the test of time.
The astrology of November will also ask you to find a balance between your work life and private life. This will be especially true around the November 8 full moon lunar eclipse, when changes at work might occur. If a client goes away, don’t fret, as another opportunity can come around the November 23 new moon. While this month is not ideal for starting new partnerships, this lunation could bring around an opportunity that develops in the future.
A lot of signs will feel challenged this month, but if you play your cards right, you can have a lot of fun this Scorpio season. The universe is instigating you to open your mind by seeking newness in your life. Read about different topics, sign up for a class, or even take a trip to an exotic destination by the water. If you do decide to take a vacation, do so before November 22—because starting then, Sagittarius season will ask you to focus on work or your career.
On November 20, asteroid Vesta enters your sign, deepening your interest in spiritual practices. As a feminine energy that speaks to feeling whole in oneself, Vesta will encourage you to dig deep into your subconscious as a way to find your inner strength.

Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, and writer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.
She currently serves as the Senior Astrologer of Astrology.com & Horoscope.com, and her work has been featured in numerous lifestyle publications like Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, Pop Sugar, Women’s Health, Romper, and more. She was also featured as one of Medium.com’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.
In her private astrology practice, Narayana’s holistic approach seeks to create a positive impact by connecting each one of her clients to the uniqueness of their chart and illuminate their path towards the ultimate state of self-empowerment and self-discovery.
In her artistic process, she is inspired by the richness of the cosmos as she channels the vibe of what is happening in the sky at certain times in the form of colorful palettes, shapes, and textures.
When she’s not blogging or painting about astrology, Narayana enjoys live music, traveling, hiking, sailing, and immersing herself in underground art scenes.