Towards the end of my pregnancy and throughout early motherhood, prepping breakfast has become an obsession of mine. Why? Because caring for your family at the start of the day can be a lot, and without some ready-to-grab sustenance of my own in the fridge, the most important meal of the day gets easily neglected. Cue my all-too-familiar 10am empty stomach growls. Not good.
For that reason, if I don’t have some kind of muffin, breakfast cookie, or baked oatmeal in the fridge at all times, I legit panic.
And that’s where this recipe comes into play. Prepping a batch of baked oatmeal at the beginning of the week has been a game changer for me, and when I tried out this delicious flavor combination — banana, peanut butter, cashew, cinnamon — I felt like I’d finally nailed it. My ideal healthy breakfast, in the fridge, pre-made and ready to go.
This recipe is also fantastic for serving the family breakfast on the weekend, or making for a friend. It’s pretty hard to beat fresh out of the oven, but also amazing reheated with a splash of milk (I do oat milk) in the microwave. And I sprinkle coarse finishing salt on literally everything, so yep, it goes on top of this stuff too.
These caramelized bananas! They’re everything. But you could sub with lots of other fruit of course — blueberries are a common replacement in my household. The cashews can be subbed out too. I’ve done chopped pecans, and chopped macadamia nuts too, which felt really fancy.