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How to perform a simple self-test to identify systemic fungal overgrowth of candida in the comfort of your own home without messy samples or expensive labs.

Candida overgrowth is a modern phenomenon triggered by the overuse of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics and the Pill (among dozens of others) that kill off beneficial flora in the gut. This allows pathogenic yeasts and other microbes to wrest control.
The nutrient-poor modern diet high in sugar and refined foods can indefinitely sustain this unhealthy intestinal state.
If not resolved via dietary and gut rebalancing efforts, Candida can eventually escape into the blood via perforations in the gut wall, allowing fungal colonization and infection of other bodily tissues.
Symptoms of candida overgrowth are many. Some of the most common include:
- Skin rashes
- Itchy skin
- Gas
- Flatulence
- Abdominal bloating
- Vaginal yeast infections
- Jock itch
- Athlete’s foot
- Cradle cap (infants)
- Dandruff
- Fungal infections of the nails/toenails
Some alternative doctors blame systemic fungal infections for some forms of cancer as well. (1)
Self-Test for Systemic Fungal Overgrowth
If you suspect that you may have a systemic fungal overgrowth internally, there is an easy test you can do at home that alternative practitioners use to help diagnose issues with pathogenic yeasts.
It’s called the Candida Sputum Test or Candida Saliva Test. (2)
It’s a simple self-evaluation that can be performed in the comfort of your own home at zero cost.
No messy samples to collect and send off to a lab for expensive testing and logging of results in a database!
Best First Thing in the Morning
This self-test is best performed first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything.
Do it even before brushing your teeth or putting anything in your mouth.
Saliva Analysis
All you have to do is spit into a clear glass filled with water.
After doing so, watch the glass at 15-minute intervals for one hour.
Signs of Fungus
What you are looking for during the observational period is one of three things.
Any of these indicates fungus in the saliva and possible systemic infection.
- Stringy legs that travel downward through the water from the saliva floating on the surface.
- The saliva is cloudy and sinks to the bottom of the glass within an hour.
- Cloudy specks of saliva remain suspended in the water.
Saliva that is Candida-Free
If the saliva continues to float on top of the water in the glass after one hour without any “legs” forming below, then the saliva is free of fungus.
An internal systemic Candida infection is unlikely.
Good news! You are presumed to be free of any sort of fungal overgrowth issues.
Test Shows Fungal Issues?
If the Candida Saliva Test shows that you have a fungal overgrowth, then it would be wise to consider dietary and therapeutic methods to bring it back into balance with beneficial flora in control once again.
The best way to do this that I’ve come across to do this slowly without medications or expensive treatments is via the GAPS Diet. (3, 4)
There are dozens of GAPS recipes on this blog for your convenience if you wish to get started right away.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is another excellent approach that yields good results. (5)
However, from personal experience, I would recommend against the Candida Diet, which produces only short-term benefits for many who attempt it.
One thing you shouldn’t do is ignore a systemic fungal infection.
It won’t go away on its own.
Systemic candida tends to lurk under the surface, hampering the immune system until autoimmune issues begin to crop up and domino one after another…eventually into a full-blown health crisis.

(1) Is Cancer a Fungus?
(2) The Skin, Tongue, and Nails Speak
(3) Gut and Psychology Syndrome
(4) Gut and Physiology Syndrome
(5) Breaking the Vicious Cycle