What are you up to this weekend? We’re deciding on our Halloween costumes — Anton will probably be a pile of leaves — and stocking up on Reese’s and Snickers. (What kind of candy do you pass out?) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…
How pretty is this work dress?
Can’t wait to watch Kristen Bell’s new comedy movie.
A yummy dinner to eat before trick-or-treating.
Always fun to read Jennifer Coolidge interviews. “I like my house in New Orleans… It’s dark, and you feel like you’re in another world. There’s a lot of people that can’t handle that. If you had a one-night stand in my house, you could say, ‘Would you like to meet the rest of my dead family?’ My house is kind of scary. That would be the anti-sell… But I can handle being alone in an echo-y place.” (Vogue)
OMG THIS PILLOW! This is the motto I say all the time with my boys (about my body, their bodies, everyone’s body).
Would you wear a bright pink wedding dress?
The sixth love language does not exist. (NYTimes gift link)
“Five reasons I don’t want a bigger home.”
We’re always trying to get the mood lighting right in our apartment, and here’s my new inspiration. Now that’s crepuscular. (NYMag)
Plus, three reader comments:
Says Suze on 11 comments on parenting teens: “My dad, who passed away 10 years ago, was an excellent dad. He was embarrassing and sang all the time. But he constantly told me how proud he was of me. He’d leave little voicemails and texts; he would scrape my car from snow and ice; and he’d leave cups of coffee for me before school. But this one tip sticks. He would come in my room, have a seat, take a deep breath and say, ‘Suze, you have such a cool room.’ It was an easy one liner that often led to long conversations. I sure do miss him. Grateful he was my dad for 26 years.”
Says Lexie on 11 comments on parenting teens: “‘Holding space’ is one of those phrases that gets said a lot but I never understood the meaning until recently. I’m a middle school teacher, and what I tell the parents of my seventh graders is that you must continue to ask your child questions, even if they answer the same way every time (for example, how was school? ‘Fiiiiiine’). It matters that you ask, invite conversation, and show care, no matter how many times you’re rejected. Teenagers want that control, that ability to be dismissive, etc. because their lives still aren’t in their control just yet. Hang in there!”
Says Lyndsay on a great Brooklyn apartment tour: “My friends and I have a game like Salad Bowl, but we call it ‘Level 6.’ The first three rounds are the same as Salad Bowl. [Everyone puts three words into a bowl; then in the first round, you can say anything; the second round is charades and you act out the word; and the third round is just one word.] But then round 4 is just a sound, round 5 is a facial expression, and round 6 is total TELEPATHY. Level 6 almost never works, but it ends in hilarious eye contact, or people closing their eyes and trying to absorb the energy. And when it does work, it’s just the best.”
(Photo of Paris by Julia Volk/Stocksy.)