This morning I woke to overcast skies and a distinctive coolness in the morning air. After a hot summer and volatile monsoon season, I am ready for fall.
One of my favorite aspects of the weather cooling here in Arizona is the beginning of soup season. I so enjoy the process of making a big pot of soup, and letting it cook until the flavors are perfect.
Soup is mysterious and complex yet so simple in its ingredients.
First I smash a few cloves of garlic to simmer in good quality olive oil. The air smells divine as I cut an array of vegetables into perfect bites, and add them to the sizzling oil and garlic. While they are cooking, I gather together spices and add them to the sautéed mixture. As a last touch, I douse the carmelizing veggies with red wine to deglaze the pan, and add a high quality broth. The vegetables bathe in the richness as their flavors transform and become magical.
autumn soup simmers
golden sun, jade olive oil-
mother earth colors
©2022 Linda Lee Lyberg
Dverse Poets Pub: Haibun Monday: Soup’s On!
Linda Lee Lyberg is a wife, mother, artist, published poet and author. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 25 years and their latest rescue, Jackson “Jax” Lyberg. Linda writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. You can read more of her works at: charmedchaos.com and view anthologies containing her work here: Amazon Author Page