What are you up to this weekend? We are driving up to Vermont to see the fall leaves. They might still be pretty green, but either way, we’re excited for cider donuts and these alpine slides. Shana Tovah to our readers who are celebrating the Jewish holidays! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…
Our girl Stella Blackmon was featured in the NYTimes! Her short films about teenage life are amazing. (NYTimes gift link)
These thank you cards made me laugh.
“Should I bring anything to the dinner tonight or just my crippling anxiety?”
Very, very chocolate-y brownies.
Is there anything cozier than an oversized turtleneck you can play hide-and-seek in? Striped, mustard, green.
This Goodnight Moon essay brought me to my knees. “Our son arrived in the world like a comet breaking the sound barrier, or Kramer skidding into Jerry’s apartment… He was bewitching, sweet, playful and wildly entertaining, the kind of baby strangers admired in the grocery store. But his evening routine almost broke me,” writes Elizabeth Egan, who tried everything to help her son sleep. Nothing worked, until one night, when she read Goodnight Moon. “A warm, doughy starfish hand came to rest on my wrist and remained there as I turned the pages. A fragrant, damp head plunked onto my shoulder. At the end of the book, my son took a finger out of his mouth and said quietly, ‘Again.’” (NYTimes gift link)
Small bedroom ideas. (Drooling over #2.)
Loving this flirty text exchange.
The sexual assault activist who finds joy in fashion. At NYFW, “a commonly asked question is, ‘What are you wearing?,’ and as I was talking about what I chose to wear that day, I had this remarkable moment where I was like, I’ve been asked this exact question, but it was the complete opposite experience. It was after my rape. That time, that sentence was shaming me and presuming guilt for the violence that happened to me. It was very full circle. I then created the Survivor Fashion Show so that survivors can take back this question.” (NYMag)
Funny clouds, of all things.
Plus, three reader comments:
Says Jen on what’s made you laugh lately: “This made me laugh today!”
Says Lauren O. on a trick to staying present: “I deleted Pokémon GO from my phone a couple of years ago because I realized I hadn’t called my mom on one of my daily walks in months, and the first time I went, without I saw A LIVE EEL SLITHERING ACROSS THE SIDEWALK! (I was walking through Chinatown and it had sloshed out of a tank at one of the fish markets.) I sprang into action to rescue it and friends, ‘slippery as an eel’ is no joke.”
Says Maeve on let’s find this reader a back-to-law-school outfit: “Anne, as the daughter of a mom who went to law school while my sister and I were little (I was starting kindergarten), I want you to know what an incredible example you are setting for your little ones. I am immensely proud of my mom for a million reasons but one of them is the bravery she displayed in that decision (and each of her decisions to keep learning — she is 62 and just took up rollerblading and German classes!). She had always wanted to be a criminal prosecutor, but her father told her to ‘accept her lot in life and find contentedness in it’ (he is a product of his context, as we all are). My memories of her time in school largely consist of special moments with my dad. He was a lawyer already, but he took a step back from his career in many ways so that my mom could take a step forward in hers. And when my mom did the opening of her first murder trial before a jury several years later, my dad took my sister and me to see it. We had front row seats to the proof that it is never too late to start a new chapter. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, I became a prosecutor, too. I just wanted to be my mom. Still do. Whatever you wear, Anne, you are so brave and alongside your kids and husband, this whole community is rooting for you.”
(Photo by Laura Austin/Stocksy.)