In an age where consumers are becoming more aware of what they’re applying to their bodies and what they put in them, many are eschewing products that contain a long list of chemicals that can potentially cause harm. Preservatives, artificial colorings, fragrances, and stabilizers can all have a negative effect on your body and the environment as well.
Parabens are commonly used as preservatives in personal care products, yet numerous studies have found that they can harm fertility and reproductive organs, disrupt hormones, and increase the risk of cancer. You can avoid them altogether by using natural ingredients instead. Many are just as effective or even more so than their chemical alternatives.
Manuka honey
Manuka honey isn’t like processed honey often found in a bear-shaped bottle, filtered, heated, or pasteurized to give it that syrupy, golden look while also killing the beneficial nutrients. While all unheated, raw honey has some health benefits, manuka, in particular, has been shown to be the most impressive in multiple studies with active compounds that can play a key role in supporting the health and appearance of the skin.
Its humectant, moisturizing properties make it great for soothing dry skin, yet its potent anti-inflammatory properties can help heal breakouts. Stubborn acne can be cleared up by dabbing just a bit onto pimples, allowing it to sit for about 30 minutes, and rinsing it off.
This nearly magical honey is also jam-packed with antioxidants and live enzymes are known to help neutralize free radicals to combat skin cell damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, as you probably know by now, is a naturally occurring compound in cannabis that’s non-psychoactive but provides a wide range of benefits to the skin. It can be found in creams, cleansers, lotions, and all types of CBD beauty products to beautify, moisturize and even heal certain skin conditions, thanks to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Use it to clear up acne, slow the loss of collagen to make the skin look younger and more supple while preventing fine lines and wrinkles. It can soothe itchy, dry skin as well as treat problems like atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has become one of the most well-known natural skincare products, and it’s also incredibly versatile. It’s composed of a unique combination of natural fats, which makes it useful for healthier skin.
You can cook with it to ingest healthy compounds and use it topically to soothe a sunburn, fight off conditions like dermatitis and eczema, and protect the skin’s protective barrier layer, trapping moisture inside to keep the skin hydrated and make it more supple.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties that make it great for treating inflammation, redness, and breakouts. Applied directly to the skin, it’s one of the most popular natural skincare ingredients due to its phytochemicals, which are chemical compounds produced by plants.
Doctors sometimes prescribe this oil as an alternative to conventional medications as it’s just as effective yet doesn’t come with adverse side effects. A study out of New South Wales, Australia, found that when comparing the effectiveness of tea tree oil to benzoyl peroxide, a common acne medication, that tea tree oil had a significant effect in mitigating patients’ acne.
Nearly everyone knows about the many uses of the aloe plant, using it to help heal scrapes and sunburns, and for good reason. It has a long list of active compounds, including vitamins and minerals, amino acids, and more.
The gel, that substance you squeeze out from the leaves, also contains glycoproteins that are known to decrease inflammation and swelling, while its polysaccharides help to repair skin cells that are damaged and trigger the process that allows new ones to form. It even contains lidocaine, a well-known ingredient for relieving pain.
The post 5 Great Ingredients For Skincare appeared first on healthphreaks.com.