While I’m always looking for the best self help books to inspire my journey, in certain circles, I’ve found that the genre gets a bad rap. I, for one, have always been a firm believer that when we seek out and surround ourselves with inspiration, it’s that intention itself that can have a transformative effect. Of course, growth also happens when we take in concrete tips that can help us gradually and consistently move in the direction of positive change.
But as we all know, getting started is usually the hardest part. When I’m stuck, deciding to move forward can take all my energy. We worry about doing the wrong thing and obsess over inconsequential details because we’re afraid to just do something.
So what’s the solution to this super-glued feeling all of us experience in our lives? Well, we have to take action. According to this article, “taking action is proactive. It values forward motion and momentum over wondering and worrying. Taking action puts you firmly in the driver’s seat and helps give you the confidence you need to tackle whatever is holding you back.”
Once we get the ball rolling on a task, the momentum to complete that task comes naturally and pushes us to the finish line. Something that seemed so impossible before is now achievable. Sounds pretty simple when you put it that way.
Feature image by Riley Reed.

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With that in mind, we’ve gathered a list of our favorite self help books that’ll inspire you to get your ball rolling toward a more productive future. These motivational self help books are perfect for reading any time there’s an area of your life where you’re feeling a little stuck.
29 Best Self Help Books To Help You Get Back on Track
If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair by Anya Hindmarch
The best self help books are inspired by a combination of experience, education, and insight—and this read has it all. Anya Hindmarch is a true multi-hyphenate: not only is she an entrepreneur and renowned businesswoman, but she’s also a mother of five. Needless to say, her day-to-day involves a lot of responsibilities and demands, and though we may not be able to relate to the specifics of her routines, her observations shed wisdom on many of the common struggles woven throughout our days.
I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones
If you feel disconnected from your passions, purpose, and/or goals, I highly recommend giving I Am That Girl a read. It delivers all of the usual advice and tips that self help books often preach, but in a more upbeat, approachable, and conversational way that you don’t often get with the genre. Alexis discusses her own experiences and struggles and presents them with lessons she’s learned over time to combat those interior doubts we face.
Hunting Discomfort by Sterling Hawkins
As the title suggests, this book encourages us to never shy away from discomfort, but rather to embrace it. Hawkins explores this idea of utilizing discomfort to fuel us on the most direct path to our goals—as successful athletes, entrepreneurs, and company founders do.
Free Time by Jenny Blake
In her book, Jenny essentially redefines what a successful business looks like. She takes a step-by-step approach to transforming your life from one full of work and stress to one enriched by simplicity and joy. As an entrepreneur, Jenny points out that even in the smallest of businesses, you can’t do everything yourself, which is why she discusses the importance of building a small team to help you along the way.
Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner
If you were fascinated and enthralled by Lori Gottlieb’s Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, I can’t recommend this book enough. Therapist and author Catherine Gildiner reflects on her work with five patients—a group she calls the “most heroic and memorable.” Their stories couldn’t be any different, and they cover a large swatch of the innumerable challenges people face throughout their lives. The book touches upon everything from narcissism to abandonment to unpacking the deeply-rooted trauma of childhood experiences.
Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
When it came out in 2015, Emily Nagoski’s breakthrough bestseller Come As You Are was a favorite and much-discussed topic among me and my college friends. Nagoski, a sex educator and researcher, channels that same expressive and explosive energy into her latest book, Burnout. Inspired by the recommendation of a friend who was part of my Come As You Are book club, I picked this up four years later. Having just entered the professional world, I was confused, stressed, and overwhelmed navigating this new stage of my life. And while your experience may be different, this book boasts universal takeaways bound to transform anyone’s life.
The Wisdom of Your Body by Hillary L. McBride
A Vancouver-based therapist, researcher, speaker, and feminist writer, Hillary McBride is revolutionizing the way we think and speak about body image and empowerment. I first discovered McBride’s work when I read her second book, Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image. Like many women, learning to make peace with my body (a part of myself I’ve been taught to vilify since I was born) has been a journey fraught with complexity. But through McBride’s writing, research, and compassionate approach, I’ve learned to create a healthier relationship with my body, my appearance, and myself.
Home Body by Rupi Kaur
Rupi Kaur is a poetic force. You’ve likely seen her work take social media by storm over the past several years. Grounded by the unique, but often universal, challenges and traumas countless people face, Kaur’s words are vulnerable, illuminating, and awe-inspiring. With home body now in my collection,I make sure to keep all three of her books within arm’s reach at all times. The lines provide a nearly-tangible comfort and inspire a strong sense of self-acceptance.
Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker
The desire to explore a sober-curious lifestyle has grown significantly over the past few years. As the pandemic made some of us reflect on and reconsider our relationship to alcohol, we’ve become more aware of its ubiquity. In Quit Like a Woman, Whitaker unpacks our world’s obsession with drinking—pointing out its presence at just about every social gathering and function we attend. She shares her own personal journey toward sobriety while tracking the larger ways alcohol companies target women.
The Clarity Cleanse by Habib Sadeghi, DO
Dr. Sadeghi’s Clarity Cleanse is a journey of self-discovery to unlock the unresolved emotional issues hurting your health and success, and how to live with greater self-awareness. An advisor to Gwyneth Paltrow, Emily Blunt, Tim Robbins, Stella McCartney, and others, Dr. Sadeghi shows you how to turn obstacles into healing and energizing opportunities through a liberating 12-step guide to recognizing the emotional issues that hold you back.
Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull
Ed Catmull, President and Co-founder (with Steve Jobs and John Lasseter) of Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Animation, brings you centerstage to the world of creativity in business and provides the tools necessary to help guide you and those around you to reach their full potential. Creativity, Inc. is a book for managers who want to lead their company and its employees to new heights, a manual for anyone who strives for originality, and the first-ever, all-access trip into the nerve center of Pixar Animation.
The Universe Has Your Back by Gabriele Bernstein
New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, and spirit junkie, Gaby Bernstein teaches you how to transform fear into faith in order to live a divinely guided life. Each story and lesson in The Universe Has Your Back guides you to release the blocks that are holding you back from what you long for: happiness, security, and clear direction. When the tragedies of the world seem overwhelming, this book will help guide you back to your true inner power.
The Stuck Book by Chris McAlister
This is a short book you can pick up when you have a question and get an answer for what needs to be done. Seize the day? Wait and ponder? Whether it’s your job or a relationship, there are four simple answers to your millions of questions. The Stuck Book is full of easily digestible wisdom.
Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
“As you look back over the last ten years, were there times when a different decision would have made your life radically different from today, either for better or for worse?” Tony Robbins, the nation’s leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller featuring Tokyo’s most famous lifestyle phenomenon will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.
“The decision to pursue what sparks joy extends far beyond its first application in home tidying: it often opens the door for greater self-discovery and fulfillment. After a thorough tidying session, one of Marie’s clients quit her job and started a new business. Another client shared that she felt comfortable inviting friends to her home for the first time. Another client declared she had moved on from a destructive relationship that no longer sparked joy – and that it transformed her entire life.”
Originals by Adam Grant
Originals re-defines what being creative means by using specific examples of how persistence, transparency, critical thinking, and perspective can be brought together to change the world. What you’ll get is a self help book that feels like sitting down with a really smart older friend, who tells you countless stories of how creative people tackled seemingly impossible problems and solved them.
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Jen Sincero is ridiculously hilarious and takes on a no-nonsense attitude to provide you with direct instructions for how to change your perspective on life to reach your dreams and convince yourself that not only do you deserve it, but you will get it if you try hard enough. Jen takes you on a wild joy ride to your own transformation, helping you create the money, relationships, career, and general all-around awesomeness you so desire.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now has sold over two million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 30 foreign languages. “Much more than simple principles and platitudes, the book takes you on an inspiring spiritual journey to find your true and deepest self. In the first chapter, Tolle introduces you to enlightenment and its natural enemy: the mind. He awakens you to your role as a creator of your pain, and shows you how to have a pain-free life by living fully in the present.”
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Everyone I’ve talked to has either recommended The Body Keeps the Score to me or entered into a (sometimes) hours-long discussion about how truly life-changing this book was. Historically, our culture has had a limited understanding of trauma. Thankfully, the past decade has seen a shift in trauma becoming more widely discussed and less stigmatized. But there’s still so much we have to learn on a personal and community level about how trauma affects us.
How to Change by Katy Milkman
PSA: Change isn’t inherently a bad thing. Sure, if external influences (family, trends, people on social media) are causing us to change in a way that’s not in alignment with our inner truths, it’s time to pull back and reassess. But when change means you’re working toward something that’s on the path to where you want to find yourself, that’s a healthy sign of growth. How to Change does an effective job of pointing out what’s standing in the way of reaching your goals.
Unwinding Anxiety by Judson Brewer
As someone who experiences occasional anxiety myself, I can say that no other book has influenced the way I look at and understand anxiety quite like this. And while I’d take incremental growth over quick fixes any day, Dr. Brewer maps out the life-changing “hacks” that are not only easy to adopt but possible to sustain.
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover
Raise your hand if you could set better boundaries. Historically, our culture has had the idea that setting boundaries are a bad thing. But in reality, learning to communicate your feelings and express your limits with others is an incredibly powerful tool. With friends and family a DM or phone call away and the idea of work-life balance being seemingly impossible to achieve, it’s more important now than ever to be able to say “no” and unapologetically express what you need.
Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies by Tara Schuster
I read this book when my confidence was at an all-time low. A friend had just finished it and passed along her copy, sharing how much it had changed her life. While I’m admittedly skeptical about buzzy reads and wellness trends that are supposed to fix all of my problems, this was one of the most transformative books I’ve ever cracked open. Schuster doesn’t mince words. Her tone is brutally honest throughout, but she pairs her direct and honest language with kindness, compassion, and empathy.
The New Normal by Dr. Jennifer Ashton
While the concept of normalcy has always been up for debate, the past two years have completely shifted our idea of what it means to experience a normal life. And just when you thought that you’d heard the expression enough, this book comes and provides an insightful take on how our lives and the world have changed around us. More than that though, The New Normal offers perspective and support for not only surviving but truly thriving in a constantly changing landscape.
Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
Isn’t it a good sign when the title of a book pulls you in immediately? Time management has always been something I’ve struggled with. I’ve bought all the planners, used all the apps, and blocked all of my social media when I need to focus. But truly, I haven’t found anything more effective than the advice shared in this book.
Your Time to Thrive by Marina Khidekel
In our mile-a-minute world, it can seem like the only way to succeed is by sacrificing our wellbeing for work promotions, praise, and productivity. But to thrive means something completely different. Instead of encouraging you to grind through the unending cycle of stress, Your Time to Thrive draws upon scientific research to help you make lasting, positive changes. The key? It’s all about taking micro steps.
The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington
In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington points out that, more than that, a chronic lack of sleep negatively impacts everything from our relationships to our emotional wellbeing. Well-researched and truly transformative, this is the wake-up everyone needs to help you fall into restful, restorative sleep.
Rising Strong by Brené Brown
“When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.” Social scientist Brené Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. She tells us that Rising Strong is about getting to the heart of the most painful and uncomfortable moments we’ve ever experienced, getting honest about the way in which they’ve made us feel, and being bold enough to hold ourselves accountable to get up and grow from the past as we move into the future.
What are the best self help books that have changed your life? Share it with us in the comments!
This post was originally published on August 10, 2019, and has since been updated.