We just got back from San Francisco, where we were visiting family. One evening, we went to dinner with my sister’s in-laws, and we had four wriggly kids at the table. It was all fine and good — we could have muscled through — but then I remembered a funny game for the table…
Have you ever played Grandma’s Suitcase? It’s a memory game, and you go around the table saying, “In my grandma’s suitcase, I packed…” and then list any object, along with all the objects people have already said.
Here’s an example:
Person #1 says, “In my grandma’s suitcase, I packed a toothbrush.”
Person #2 says, “In my grandma’s suitcase, I packed a toothbrush and chicken soup.”
Person #3 says, “In my grandma’s suitcase, I packed a toothbrush and chicken soup and the movie Home Alone.”
And on it goes!
When someone messes up the list or forgets an item, they’re out, and the game keeps going until only the winner is left.
The game is hilarious for all ages (Alex’s mom is a secret genius at it), and I always laugh at the weird stuff people put into the suitcase (Palm Springs the movie, Palm Springs the place, a later bedtime, Grandma herself).
Thoughts? What games do you play with all ages? Any other restaurant tips?
P.S. 9 tips for eating out with children, and my kids’ hilariously passive-aggressive notes.