Home Health New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 192

New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 192


Research of the Week

More ultra-processed food, more colorectal cancer.

More fasting insulin, higher mortality.

Better glucose control, better cognitive function (in adolescent type 1 diabetics).

Low-salt diets promote osteoporosis.

Omega-3s help older adults gain more muscle strength.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Kitchen Podcast: The Link Between Dairy Intolerance and Dairy Genes with Alexandre Family Farm Founders Blake and Stephanie

Primal Health Coach Radio: If You’re Not Showing Up, Someone Else Will with Libby Rothschild

Media, Schmedia

Do octopuses deserve rights?

Chinese scientists create the first mammal with fully reprogrammed genes.

Interesting Blog Posts

Every which way the wind blows.

Why sausages need salt.

Social Notes

How long before Musk is eating raw liver and going barefoot?

Guess who’s back?

Everything Else

Environmental policies in ancient Athens.

Interesting n=1 writeup about someone using grounding to fight sickness.

Love this.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Interesting paper: Functional brain imaging hasn’t produced any useable results or diagnoses.

Not good: Many commonly used face masks emit titanium dioxide particles.

Not a big surprise: Restricting social media use doesn’t have an effect on well being or academic performance if you just let them use other apps to make up for it.

Inconvenient truth: What lowers lipoprotein A?

Unique warmup for the day: The slow crawl.

Question I’m Asking

How do you start each day?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Aug 27 – Sep 2)

Comment of the Week

“Tiny nitpick: One doesn’t “flâneur,” flâneurs (or flâneuses, let’s not exclude people) flânent; you (pl.) flânez.

Putting the grammar-Nazi away… there is so much truth to your thoughts on creating – rather than passively consuming – experience. To me, it’s the difference between men like Sir Hillary and Norgay (truly intrepid souls) and all those tourists who pay to be all but carried up Everest.

That’s not to knock those who follow that set guide rope, it’s still a dangerous and no-doubt memorable time, and I’ve personally never stood on top of the world – it’s just not the same.

Too much planning can kill pristine joy. Adventure with security is a lie. Granted, reckless adventure can simply be stupidity (the first time I saw a hyena in the wild, I tried to pet it – I’m forever grateful that it ran away), but I’d rather live stupid than live boring.”

-Indeed, Hate_me.

Primal Kitchen Dijon Mustard

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