Research of the Week
Hypothyroid predisposes people to severe COVID.
More steps, less death.
Genetic links to economic outcomes.
Medieval friars were riddled with parasites, probably from fertilizing their fields with their own manure.
To allow speech, the human larynx lost complexity compared to other primates’.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: The Link Between Dairy Intolerance and Dairy Genes with Alexandre Family Farm Founders Blake and Stephanie
Primal Health Coach Radio: Amy Lippmann
Media, Schmedia
Another terrible nutrition study.
The reality of “plant-based protein food”: gallbladder removal, intense stomach pain, ER visits, crickets from the food company.
Interesting Blog Posts
Why yes, we do have perfect condiments.
Antidepressants don’t work for most people.
Social Notes
Julia knew.
Everything Else
Checking in on California’s new “free breakfast and lunch for all” program.
Biases against keto in Mediterranean diet studies.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Interesting blog post: Improving normal conversations.
Interesting study: In which medical and dental students wear continuous glucose monitors. Plus a video about it.
Interesting question: Is ApoB overrated?
Important: The declining standards of FDA drug approval.
Reminder: Small fish are good to eat.
Question I’m Asking
Have you been eating your seafood?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Aug 13 – Aug 19)
- What We Can Learn From the World’s Longest Living Populations—What are they doing right?
- How to Find Small, Ethical Grass-Fed Beef Producers—How to do it.
Comment of the Week
“Hello Mark,
I always enjoy reading your Sunday commentary. After reading this past Sunday, I wanted to tell you about my father, He will be competing again next year for the world record bench press at at 80 years of age. Invincible to me, he is a perfect example of someone who does not stop. Gym almost everyday and moving a body that can’t be explained at 80years of age. Let me know if you want to anymore updates! Take care! Btw… he benches just under 300 lbs”-Incredible!
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