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How to Become an Influencer: Grow Your Following & Make Money!


So you want to be an influencer? I have good news: YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. I know this because I am one and I help many others grow their following and monetize.

Of course the life of a content creator often looks glamorous and exotic, but behind the scenes it takes work.

So how can you become an influencer? How can you grow a following and make money?

FREE eBook! Social Strategist: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love

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Actually, it takes 3 things:

  1. Passion
  2. Purpose
  3. Consistency

Social media and influencer marketing has changed the landscape of advertising. We don’t watch TV the way we used to. We also don’t buy the way we used to.

Nearly every business has seen an increase in content creators and influencers. And brands are using them more than ever before. Being an influencer has become so profitable that it’s no surprise that everyone wants to be one in their field.

But we don’t just want the viral videos or the empty followers.

We want a community of people that cares. And that’s the tricky part.

There is a lot of noise online when it comes to what’s actually working. “Gurus” like to share trending sounds and transition ideas. And while these tips can work, it’s not a strategy for long term success.

I’ve been a full-time content creator and blogger for 8 years. Before that, I worked in social media and marketing, helping to grow brands’ online presence. 

One look at Instagram Reels and TikTok gurus and we see a common trend “DO THIS TO GROW.” But what stands out to me is the way they are growing is by teaching others to grow. I think we see success and think we can just copy and paste.

What so many gurus leave behind is the why and how of growing a meaningful following. I think this is why so many feel burnt out on social media. We want not just cut and paste strategies, but finding purpose.

It’s not that simple.

It takes work. 

But the good news: it’s actually a lot better when you understand what to share in a way that connects you with others.

I’m a big believer in helping women create communities online. It’s part of the reason I was able to pull myself out of stressful times in my life. Now, more than ever before, it’s important that we share our stories.

I created a book, a no frills, no fluff 50+ page book to pass along my knowledge of 10+ years in the industry, on both sides as a blogger, social strategist, and content creator. 

FREE eBook! Social Strategist: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love

FREE! For a Limited Time!

Why this ebook?? 

When I first started blogging there wasn’t the huge possibility to go viral. But one of my blog posts did.

I went on national tv and radio. I was interviewed. Millions of hits came flooding to my blog. 

I was excited!! This was it! Right? RIGHT?

Well, I wasn’t exactly sure what to do. I didn’t know how to capture their attention other than this one post. 

And just as quickly as that viral post came, it left.

The same is happening on social media. People have a Reel go viral. YAY! Maybe they gain some followers. Double yay! But what about creating an audience that lasts? That cares? And, how can you monetize it.

With my 8 years as a full time content creator and my background in social media and marketing, I wrote a guide on what’s working right now. 

One piece of content CAN change your life. 

But you need to know what to do and how to monetize it, right now. 

You might be thinking:

  • There are already enough influencers
  • I don’t have the time
  • How can I really make money?
  • I don’t have enough followers

I’m here to smash all your doubts. Because there are so many possibilities. It’s not just about brand deals, follower counts, and sponsorships. There are a myriad number of ways to grow online.

But it all starts with you.

You can make a full-time income as an influencer. You don’t need millions of followers. You just need to be strategic and have a plan. I’m going to show you how in my new book, Social Strategist: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love.

This book is a detailed guide to help you start growing an audience of fans and creating income along the way.

You will find out:

✦ Understand what is working on Instagram and TikTok right now

✦ How to monetize in ways I bet you haven’t tried before along with a guide to places you can reach out to

✦ How you can share your story and connect with others

✦ Troubleshoot what’s not working

✦ How to create content that connects

This book is for the creator who is ready to put in the work and grow an online presence that feels authentic and real. If you’re that person, then I can’t wait to show you what’s inside.

Right now, for ONE WEEK ONLY, this eBook is free!

Grab it right here!

FREE eBook! Social Strategist: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love

FREE! For a Limited Time!


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