What are you up to this weekend? We are heading to my grandmother’s house in England, and I can’t wait to squeeze her. I can already hear the noisy seagulls. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
How cool are these bedroom ideas? Especially the first one.
The nail polish color that always sells out.
Who’s hungry for tomato salad?
Alligators’ eyes at night! Eeps.
“Adopting my son changed my definition of family.” So, so beautiful. (The Atlantic.)
Oooh, Movie of the Night helps you figure out what to watch.
Excited to wear this swimsuit all summer.
“I tried four popular tuna salad recipes and the winner has a sweet surprise.”
Can you guess the single most sustainable motivator at work?
The best films of 2022 so far. (New York Times.)
Plus, four reader comments:
Says Vanessa on 10 reader comments on love: “I have a close relationship with both my niece and nephew. I used to babysit them at my place every fortnight, and we’d do anything they wanted. One night I was about to go to bed, when I saw crayon-drawn heart shapes on my wall. I almost died because I was renting. So, I called them over and asked if they drew them. Then my niece said in her six-year-old little voice, ‘I wanted you to remember that I will always love you, especially when I’m not around.’ Oh my heart.”
Says Lisa on race matters: traveling while Black: “I am Indian. A helpful tip I use to feel safe and comfortable while traveling is to check the crowd in pictures on Google/Yelp/Trip Advisor reviews. I can’t tell you the number of times I have breathed a sigh of relief walking into an establishment and seeing another POC. Safe and happy travels.”
Says Nora on race matters: traveling while Black: “As a Latinx person, I found this really hit home. Growing up, I actively remember not speaking Spanish and being on my absolute best behavior when on road trips with my family so we wouldn’t be seen as ‘rowdy Latinos.’ As I got older, I began noticing the microaggressions and outright racism that my parents were able to shield me from as a younger child, and it pained me to catch the hurt in their eyes. Now raising biracial children, I’m vigilant but we still love exploring and exposing our children to as much as we can.”
Says Tess on what makes your friends amazing: “My sweet son is likely on the spectrum, so he has a hard time making and keeping friends. However, this year, he made a friend in his class. She is kind and fierce. They have complicated high fives, and when my son sings on the street, she happily sings along. He lost his fear of swimming and biking because she cheered him on. She introduced him to her friends, so now he has a small group of fantastic girls to play with every single day. When he is upset, she just sits next to him with her arm around him. This kid is truly the best friend my son could ever wish for.”
(Photo by Vradiy Art/Stocksy.)
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