Cheat codes are a time-honored tradition in video games. Who hasn’t entered the legendary Konami code on a title screen in hopes of getting a little boost to help you through a tough level? Cheat codes aren’t as common as they once were, with only games like Grand Theft Auto keeping up the grand tradition. Early access title Vampire Survivors is an addictive retro horror shooter with tons of character and weapon unlocks, but the game also hides some cheat codes with special rewards. Here are all the codes we’ve found so far.
How to enter cheat codes in Vampire Survivors
To enter any cheat in Vampire Survivors, just type the code in quick succession on the game’s main menu. If entered successfully, you will hear a chime play and the reward will show up on its respective menu.
1. Unlock Exdash
Exdash stars with the Ebony wings weapon and looks on the surface to be a fairly worthless character. With a negative modifier to nearly every character stat except Cooldown and Luck. Exdash’s Luck increases every 10 levels by 10 percent.
The unlock code for Exdash is a reference to a cheat code for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night that would give Alucard a high luck stat and lower all other stats.
2. Unlock Il Molise
This will unlock the level “Il Molise.” Enemies in Il Molise cannot move and will only spawn off-screen. The player must move around to force enemies to spawn.
3. Unlock Mortaccio & 2,800 Gold
- Code: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, Esc, Enter
That’s right, the Konami code makes an appearance! Enter the code and you will receive 2,800 gold, but only once.
This code also unlocks the character Mortaccio. Mortaccio’s starting weapon is the Bone, and their passive bonus gains one projectile every 20 levels. Cavallo, Ramba, and O’Sole all have identical stats and passive traits as Mortaccio.
4. Unlock Arcanas
This code unlocks the Arcana system in Vampire Survivors. This can also be done by finding the Randomazzo item in Gallo Tower.
At the beginning of each run, you can select an Arcana to equip. Two more arcana can be added over the course of the run after finding them in chests.
5. Health boost for O’Sole Meeo
The playable dog character O’Sole Meeo has a cheat code dedicated to them. Once per run, you can type “pet” and receive a max health boost.
If you don’t have O’Sole already unlocked, then you can do so by defeating a total of 3,000 Dragon Shrimps. Gallo Tower is the best place to do this.
Bonus: Cheat engine mode
If these cheats just aren’t enough then the modding community might have an answer for you. The “Vampire Survivors – Cheat Mode” gives players access to a myriad of enhancements that the base game doesn’t allow. Here is a full list.
Menu cheats:
- C: Add coins
- R: Reset data (doesn’t work)
- U: Unlock all
Game cheats:
- X: Level up
- H: Heal
- Z: All weapons
- I: Invulnerable
- T: Next minute
- O: Game over
- E: Max enemies
- K: Kill enemies
- G: Treasure
- V: Vacuum
- Q: Showcase (try it don’t ask what it does)
- P: Freeze enemies
- B: Spawns candles
- M: Movement speed
- F: Fires all weapons
- N: Treasure box
- J: Random coffin
- L: Spit fire
This mod can be uninstalled but at the moment the ability to reset player data is not working. Meaning that if you do choose to use any cheats from this mod, they will be irreversible. So, if you want to unlock everything yourself but need a little boost, just avoid pressing “U” in the game’s menu.
Vampire Survivors is available in early access on Steam and PC Game Pass.