Research of the Week
Jordanians had domesticated olives at least 7000 years ago.
Lager may promote healthier gut biomes.
What do we know about the risks of zoonotic diseases and different livestock husbandry systems? Not enough, not yet.
If you want kids to get enough iodine—and you do want that, trust me—their intake of fish, meat, eggs, and dairy are the most crucial to get right.
Neanderthal genes concerning metabolism and immune function persist in some humans.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: Grain-Free Queen Elizabeth Stein Talks About Health and Entrepreneurialism
Primal Kitchen Podcast: Cody Rigsby Gets Candid on Everything From Peloton to Dancing
Primal Health Coach Radio: Barbara Diaz de Leon
Primal Health Coach Radio: Total Life Concept
Media, Schmedia
We used to have far more educational pluralism.
The “provocative” argument that eating meat is healthier than avoiding it.
Interesting Blog Posts
The environmentalist case for having more children.
Does drinking water help with weight loss? Not really.
Social Notes
Lovely slide on exogenous ketones in wound healing.
I bet she can lift her grandkids.
Everything Else
A Bill Gates-linked entity has purchased thousands of acres of Dakota farmland for the production of “more productive seeds.”
You can’t really absorb the protein in fake meat.
Blended oils (some of which are seed) that hit the desired fatty acid composition perform better than isolated seed oils.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
That’s a real shame: Meatless meat finding it tough to secure a stable spot on grocery store shelves.
I agree: We need better time-restricted feeding studies.
Interesting study underway: What effect will exogenous ketones have in colon cancer patients?
Going to try this in Florida: Cast iron anti-crocodile device.
Interesting research: The WHO looking into monkeypox in semen.
Question I’m Asking
Ever drink a quart of kefir in a single sitting? I recommend it.
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Jun 18 – Jun 24)
Comment of the Week
“Exactly right that totalitarianism never works for long, it always collapses eventually.”
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