It’s with a heavy heart that I’m sharing the passing of Stanley Becker, one of our top commenters and a long-standing icon on Mercola.com. Since joining the site November 12, 2012, Stanley contributed 14,724 posts, making many friends and earning devoted followers along the way.
Making an average of four posts every day, the millions of supportive words Stanley shared resonated with the Mercola.com community, members of which described him as “a light” and “a treasure.” His contributions to the community will be greatly missed but not forgotten.
An Avid Reader and Student of Life
Upon joining the site in 2012, Stanley’s brief autobiography details his love for reading and thirst for learning as he trialed different methods of eating in search of good health and wellness:
“I am at this moment reading Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time — this difficult book has stared back at me from my bookshelf since 1973 39 years of stark and guilty appeal — I tried to read it before but it’s style was inpenetrable — but now after a lifetime of difficult reading it seems quite droll in a faintly abstract way — as far as food is concerned —
I have followed many health pioneers such as Nathan Pritikin in the late 1970’s, early 1980’s — he carried an introductory imprimatur form Dr. Dennis Burkitt who was influential [owing to my admiration of his science], in my decision to commit to the Pritikin diet —
like most devotees the constant hunger of a fat free regime became untenable but Pritikin was a great educationalist and many of the dietary ideas that have gained ascendancy today emanate from him —
years later I studied Barry Sears “zone” Diet and then I moved on to the Okinawan theory of nutrition — today I am interested in the Paleo theories — that about sums it up — my understanding of food is that like air and water I am tethered to the sun for whom I exist — my understanding of this existence is limited by the possibilties that my continued existence makes available —
I try my best to remain alert to the possibilties as they present themselves by maximising what consciousness enters my being and offers itself to me – ultimately this state of being is religious and humble in its closest approximation in describing it to others.”
In a 2015 update, Stanley wrote, “I have read many more books since this date and more importantly am three years older — possibly wiser and hopefully healthier.” A “final note” posted in 2016 detailed his continued dedication to the Mercola.com community, which continued for years thereafter:
“FINAL NOTE: — I joined the Mercola site on the 12 of November 2012 — I contributed 5000 posts in a period of 3 years and 9 months — 45 months — 1350 days — an average of 4 posts every day — over half a million words — all my words were in support of Dr Mercola and his site — the day today is Wednesday the third of July in the year 2016 —
Greetings to all those friends and associates I have made by contributing to this site — thank you all — and thank you Dr Mercola.”
In Honor and Memoriam of Stanley Becker
May 24, 2022, member Poiesis first shared the news of Stanley’s passing, writing:1
“Dear Mercolans ~ i am sad to tell that beloved Stanley Becker passed away on the weekend; he was an avid devotee of JM and took immense pleasure in applying his magnicent mind knowledge humour insight + ire to this site … may his soul be free, beautiful + glad ~ please say kaddish for him x amen x.”
Many had already begun to wonder about his absence of comments, and tributes poured in after the announcement. Otis101 said, “I always found Stan as one with intellectual wisdom, learned in the classics, common sense and a fighter for what he believed in. Stan and I always came out in unison with the fight against Monsanto and their CRAAP. Chemically Reprocessed Animals And Plants. Fly softly and high Stan.”
Rrealrose added, “Sensed something happened as Stan … never missed a chance to comment! … Stan was mostly on-target, nearly all the time. Truly a treasure …,” and Brianallen1 said, “I am definitely going to miss Stanley’s insight and wit.” Throughout the site, it was clear that Stanley had made a mark on many people’s lives via his regular contributions, and the tributes continue:
The7360 — “Stanley Becker passed. He will surely be missed. I always enjoyed reading what he had to say. He definitely inspired me to research more and look at the things more closely. I will definitely miss him and hope that his family is coping. My prayers go out to his family. I really liked him.” |
Ttwdem — “Thank you for letting us know. Condolences to his loved ones. Although I never met him, I enjoyed his comments very much, and had been wondering lately if he was alright. I will truly miss him. He put a smile on my face countless times.” |
Brodiebrock12 — “Oh NO…not Stan. Such a light he was and IS! Thoughts and prayers. God speed Stan you are indeed FREE!” |
Prune unit — “Stanley was one of my favorite long time posters. Very sorry to hear this.” |
42ndenigma — “Never engaged directly with Stanley but greatly enjoyed his intelligent, insightful, even argumentative comments. Always imparting knowledge. He will be greatly missed.” |
Cabochon — “Stan was a great music lover and we exchanged one or two posts on the subject. He sent me links occasionally to songs that had inspired him and said that he enjoyed my “lyrical abstractions” or occasional flights of fancy in my posts. He was at heart a gentle soul and will be greatly missed. Would that this world had more personalities like him. Odd how you can pick up traces of character even through words on a page: — “You appreciate the finer things in life, Stan. Somehow I doubt these will be a feature of life in the New World Order. Thanks for the Hendrix song which inspires hope that the globalist agenda built on lies and false foundations like castles on shifting sands will slip into the sea at the next turn of the tide.” The “philosopher of song” he admired was Jimi Hendrix, whose poem “Castles in the Sand” was an appropriate example — ideas based on false foundations will slip into the sea eventually … A bright light gone to a better place.” |
Cbr3583 — “That is terrible news. Stanley’s comments were the only comments that I always made sure to read after reading a JM article. Reading the JM articles will never be as enlightening or entertaining as they have been with Stanley. Thank you Stanley for your contributions to our lives.” |
Getsmarts — “Oh, no; I’m so sad to hear this news! Thank you so much, poiesis, for sharing this sad news with us, so that we will know why he’s no longer leaving comments; we have always enjoyed reading his comments here on Dr. Mercola’s website for so many years!” |
Jharris2020 — “This is absolutely terrible news!!!! I thought it was strange that Stan wasn’t commenting recently. This is a sad day for us all but especially his family. He was a wonderful guy and will be missed by us all, I’m sure.” |
Jdrose199 — “So very sorry to see that Stanley has passed. He will be in greener fields. My thoughts and prayers to his family.” |
Thank you, Stanley, for your years of contributions and friendship. Your words will not be forgotten.