We are delighted to announce the inaugural American Short Fiction Workshop. This May, we will welcome twenty-four writers to Austin to study with short-story masters Karen Russell and Dantiel W. Moniz. Today, we’re so pleased to introduce our initial cohort of ASF Workshop Fellows & Scholars.
Christine Vines is a fiction writer from Wichita, KS. Her work has appeared in One Story, Witness, BOMB, Joyland, Electric Literature, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and The Chicago Tribune, where it was a runner-up for the Nelson Algren Literary Award. Her writing has received support from the Steinbeck Center, the Carson McCullers Center, Vassar College’s W.K. Rose Fellowship, the Hambidge Center, the Key West Literary Seminar, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from Cornell University, and has taught English and creative writing at Cornell, San José State University, and the Telluride Association. For four years, she ran the Fiction Addiction reading series in NYC. (Photo Credit: Premshree Pillai.)
Jane Kalu just completed her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Mexico. Her work has appeared in Jalada Review, Munyori Review, and the Willesden Herald Anthology.
aureleo sans is a Colombian-American, non-binary, queer, formerly unhoused writer with a disability who resides in San Antonio, Texas. She is also a 2022 Tin House Scholar, a Macondista, a VONA alumnus, and a Periplus fellow. She was named the second-place winner of Fractured Lit’s 2021 Micro Fiction Contest and has been been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction. Her work has been published in The Offing, Shenandoah, and Electric Literature and is forthcoming in X-R-A-Y, Passages North, Salamander, and elsewhere. Follow her at @aureleos.
Phoebe Oathout is a first-year MFA student at the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars. Before Baltimore, she lived in Laramie, Wyoming, where she worked in student financial aid. Her fiction is forthcoming from The Southeast Review, where she was a finalist for The World’s Best Short Short Prize in fiction. She is the current managing editor of The Hopkins Review.