Home Education Recess guidelines vary greatly from state to state

Recess guidelines vary greatly from state to state


Editor’s note: This story was a special edition of the Early Childhood newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ inboxes every other Wednesday with trends and top stories about early learning. Subscribe today!

Ask any young child their favorite part of a school day and you’re likely to hear it’s recess. Recess is often the only time kids get for free play during jam-packed school days— and it’s brief: The average length of recess is 25 minutes per day. This time can benefit kids and their teachers, research shows: children are more attentive, productive and perform better cognitively after recess. Elementary school principals have reported that recess has a positive impact on students’ ability to focus. The American Academy of Pediatrics even took a stance on recess in 2013, calling it a “crucial and necessary component of a child’s development” and stating that it should not be withheld.

However, even a brief amount of recess is far from guaranteed in schools nationwide, as I reported in a story published last week on the practice of withholding recess. On any given day, young children have their recess taken away for academic or behavioral reasons and must stay inside, walk laps or sit on a sidewalk and watch their friends play. This is a long-standing and common punishment in schools. Up to 86 percent of teachers have denied or decreased recess time as a punishment for behavior. While it may work in the short term to get some students to comply quickly, experts say the practice can be harmful in the long term, and possibly make behaviors worse.


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