Home Business A study indicates that, although most of us have heard of the metaverse, only 15% could explain it

A study indicates that, although most of us have heard of the metaverse, only 15% could explain it


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Little by little the metaverse is democratized. Or at least that’s what we want to believe: brands venture with marketing campaigns into virtual universes where it is possible to buy digital goods and services, attend fashion shows, interact with other users and even become the owner of a piece of digital terrain. But according to a study titled “New Realities Into the Metaverse and Beyond” by Wunderman Thompson Intelligence , even though people have heard of the metaverse, most wouldn’t feel safe trying to explain exactly what it is. What is it.

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To conduct the study, the company surveyed 3,005 people between the ages of 16 and 65 in China, the United States and the United Kingdom. 74% of people surveyed in March had heard of the metaverse, compared to 32% in a similar study conducted in September 2021. At the same time, only 15% of those surveyed said they could explain the concept of the metaverse to another person , indicating that familiarity with the concept does not necessarily equate to understanding.

This is not the first time that Wunderman Thompson Intelligence has made the report (the previous edition was published in September 2021) and what it seeks is to try to identify which elements of the metaverse will transcend and which will be ephemeral, while analyzing the perception of the users and offers information to brands so they can make informed decisions.

Of those who were able to explain what the metaverse is, 74% described it as the future, 72% as the next big thing, 68% as the next internet, and 66% as life-changing.

Around the concerns that respondents relate to the metaverse are children’s privacy (72%), adult privacy (69%), data protection (69%), children’s safety (66% ) and bullying (57%).

When asked which industries they felt would be impacted by the metaverse, respondents said entertainment (90%), advertising (89%), retail (86%), fashion (85%), sports ( 82%), finances (82%), health (81%), beauty (80%), government (76%) and bars and restaurants (76%).

If you are interested, you can check the full report here.


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