Home Tv Shows 9 Ways to Prepare For the End of This Is Us

9 Ways to Prepare For the End of This Is Us


We’ve had three years to prepare for it, but we’re still not ready.

This Is Us announced it would be a six-season show when it was renewed for its final three seasons, but back then, it seemed like we had plenty of time before we had to say goodbye.

The end is almost here, and we’re not ready to say goodbye. If you aren’t either, check out our suggestions for how to prepare emotionally for This Is Us’ series finale before May 24, 2022 gets here.

The key to preparing ourselves is the perfect mixture of denial and adopting the Pearsons’ life lessons.

After all, the finale isn’t here yet, so we don’t have to get totally lost in our tears.

Still, time goes fast, and the sixth season has flown by.

But it’s not time to brace ourselves yet. Here’s how to celebrate the Pearsons and ignore the fact that This Is Us is ending until we have to face it.

1. Binge-watch earlier seasons.

It is the ultimate way to put off the inevitable.

If we start all over at the beginning, there are over 250 episodes until we get to the end. It’s like we’ve traveled back in time to 2016. And you might even pick up on clues you missed the first time around that can help you predict how the series will end.

Besides, it’s good practice. Once the series ends, binge-watching reruns will be the only way we get to spend time with the Pearsons. So we might as well start now.

2. Watch home movies from 30 years ago and pretend they’re part of the show.

One of This Is Us’ most endearing qualities is how it weaves past, present, and future throughout each episode.

You can’t stream movies of your future, but you can watch your own home movies and imagine they’re scenes from This Is Us.

After all, what better tribute is there to the series than to appreciate your own family’s stories?

3. Spend time with your family and pretend they’re the Pearsons.

This Is Us is all about familial love. The Pearsons survive the tragic moments and celebrate the happy ones together.

The best way to prepare to say goodbye to them is to spend time with your own family, making memories that will someday become family stories.

If nothing else, spending time with your real family can help you forget that the Pearsons’ story is about to end.

4. Go on a grand adventure in honor of the Pearsons.

When Rebecca told her kids not to live small because of her illness, she wasn’t just talking to them.

She was talking to us too.

In honor of the fictional family you are about to say goodbye to, go on your own grand adventures. Even if the biggest adventure you can afford right now is a walk around your neighborhood, do it.

5. Take some time to process the loss.

Denial can only go so far. This Is Us is ending, and each week’s installment brings us closer to the finale.

It’s okay to admit that you’re not OK with this.

Take some time to mourn in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Close the blinds, lie in bed, wear all black — whatever works.

6. Stock up on tissues.

You’ve probably already done a ton of crying between KaToby’s breakup and Miguel’s death.

But let’s face it: the series finale will be an ugly-cry fest.

You might as well face this reality and stock up on tissues well ahead of May 24.

7. Put off being sad until the finale.

You don’t have to focus on the fact that the series is ending yet, do you?

LIfe’s too short! Don’t wallow in your pain about the end of This Is Us until you have to.

Sure, you’ve got ten boxes of tissues in your closet, but take the time to appreciate the Pearson while they’re still here. Put off your sorrow until later.

8. Bake a cake using your family’s secret recipe.

The Pearsons aren’t going to tell you what’s in that sugar pie, but you probably have your own secret family recipe.

There’s no time like the present to whip up a delicious dessert.

You can imitate the Pearsons AND have something sweet to comfort yourself with when the series ends.

9. Have a going-away party.

People who don’t watch This Is Us might not get your grief, but your fellow fans do.

Have a going-away party before the series ends. Invite all your friends who love This Is Us as much as you do.

You could have a trivia contest, sing karaoke, or just watch the finale together and comfort each other afterward.

Over to you, This Is Us fanatics.

We’re all heartbroken over the end of the series. How do you plan to prepare yourself for the big goodbye to the Big Three and their families?

Hit the comments with your own ideas (just click that big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button to get started!), and if you try any of ours, let us know how they worked. And if you like the idea of binging past episodes, don’t forget you can watch This Is Us online right here on TV Fanatic.

This Is Us airs on NBC on Tuesdays at 9 PM EST/PST. The series finale airs on May 24, 2022.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.


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