I’ve always been an obsessive, stay-up-too-late, crush-on-favorite-characters type of reader. When I was little, I believed in Peter Pan. I knew — really knew — that he would come to my window. Throughout elementary school, at bedtime, I even made my parents call me “Wendy” (and my poor twin sister “John”). Books made magic almost real.
Now that I have my own kids, I want them to feel that thrill of reading, too. But while they like picture books, and enjoy sports non-fiction, they haven’t been as drawn to reading chapter books on their own.
Recently, I came across a graphic novel called Witches of Brooklyn, which features a 12-year-old girl who is forced to live with two aunts after her mother dies. At first, she plans to run away but then realizes that her aunts can do spells. I showed it to eight-year-old Anton, and from the first page, he was HOOKED. The book has funny dialogue, cool older women, diverse characters and little surprises. For example, Anton gasped when he turned a page to find a detailed floor plan of the aunt’s house (I remember loving that kind of thing when I was little, don’t you?).
Now he’s been reading non-stop, and we’re excited to check out the full series, including What the Hex?! and S’more Magic.
What chapter books are the kids in your life into these days? I’m always grateful for recommendations!
P.S. More on books, including favorite children’s books, and did you have a special reading place as a kid?