Former rugby league star turned boxer Paul Gallen, apparently angry at his next opponent’s failure to play the PR game, has stormed out of their pre-fight press conference, presumably in a bid to boost awareness for Wednesday’s bout.
Gallen last week described Kris Terzievski as a “soft c–k”, for failing to run up to a previous press engagement.
His frustrations were evident again Monday, when he spat the dummy at their official pre-fight media conference.
“I’m really proud of headlining this card,” Gallen said Monday in a response to a question from the event’s host.
.“This is the best card I’ve ever been a part of.
“But one thing that has frustrated the crap out of me the last 20 minutes sitting here is I’ve heard three or four blokes talk about the publicity they’re going to get.
“Now that’s my job to provide a platform for them, to get them out, Kris you’ve done nothing to sell this fight. Nothing.
“There was more media at the media day the other day than an NRL grand final. You didn’t turn up because it didn’t fit in your schedule, so I’m not going to sit here for one more minute and f–king promote him.
“But I’ve got one more thing to say before I go, ‘Kris, you’re a pretty boxer, you are a pretty boxer, but Wednesday’s not going to be pretty, it’s going to be ugly, it’s going to be a street fight and I’m going to bash ya.’ I’m not here to promote you for one more second.

Kris Terzievski laughs as Paul Gallen walks out of a press conference ahead of Wednesday night’s King of the Castle event, at The Star. (Photo by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)
Gallen then walked off stage.
Terzievski appeared to see the humour in Gal’s sulk.
“Good on you, Paul, that was real staunch,” Terzievski said. ““He caught me off-guard, I didn’t expect that.“
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