7 Ways To Enrich Your Learning Experience With Shareable Quizzes
The digital age is all about sharing. People share pics of their family vacation and pet antics on social media…and possibly even overshare about recent relationships. It’s heavily rooted in our need for social interaction. Even the most introverted among us enjoy perusing posts from time to time. But how can you use this innate human trait to enrich your online training experience? One of the best (and most cost-effective) ways is to include shareable quizzes that boost participation and peer-to-peer engagement. Here are 7 notable advantages of adding shareable quizzes in online training.
1. Encourage Passive Observers To Participate
Employees who have generally sat on the sidelines are more likely to jump in and test their knowledge with a shareable quiz. This is particularly the case if you create entertaining pop quizzes that cater to their personal interests. Or even incorporate some pop culture or trend references that prompt them to actively participate. Sharable quizzes transform autonomous assessments into socially engaging training opportunities. They can also post their results to their own social media page to show off their achievements.
2. Give Employees The Opportunity To Gauge Their Own Progress
Traditional eLearning quizzes give employees the chance to check their own professional development and see if they’re on the right track. Sharable quizzes are no different. Except they also offer the added bonus of public recognition. Employees who score high on their quizzes can post the results on their profiles. If there are areas for improvement, the public posts give them the opportunity to gather peer-based feedback. For example, coworkers can help them bridge knowledge gaps revealed through the quiz and deepen their understanding.
3. Reinforce Oft-Forgotten Concepts
Employees see a shareable quiz posted on your social media page or LMS and casually click. It may seem like an insignificant event, but they’ve just beat the forgetting curve. Shareable quizzes in online training help reinforce training topics or concepts and refresh employees’ memory. They can take a quiz to see if they still remember the takeaways, bridge gaps, then pass it along to their peers online. Scenarios, simulations, and other spaced training activities are still vital. However, these more impromptu quizzes are a subtler way to mix up the delivery format and facilitate active recall.
4. Promote Upcoming Courses
I know I mentioned earlier that shareable quizzes are often used for generating leads. But that also applies to in-house marketing. Develop a quiz to promote your upcoming online training course to start generating employee interest. For example, the quiz might feature five questions that center on negotiation or persuasion skills. It gets them mentally prepared for the new sales certification course you’re going to launch next week. They can also share it with colleagues to get them excited about the new training opportunity.
5. Provide Valuable Online Training Feedback
Shareable quizzes in online training help employees troubleshoot personal areas for improvement. But you can also gather valuable learner data to identify broader issues and spot patterns. For example, a vast majority of employees score low on your latest compliance quiz. The fact that it’s shareable means you were able to collect more information from a broader pool since it got maximum exposure. Even employees who don’t log into the system every day saw the quiz and participated. You can even use quizzes to gather their feedback regarding past training experiences. For instance, the five questions focus on their emotional connection with the last safety training course and what they felt was missing.
6. Maintain Employee Motivation
Many employees have a certain degree of anxiety when it’s test time. However, shareable quizzes are perceived as being more casual and spontaneous. They aren’t as structured, which lightens the mood and puts employees at ease. Thus, they’re more motivated to evaluate their trouble spots by participating in the quiz. Quizzes are also more entertaining and enjoyable. Particularly when you add subtle humor and don’t put any time limits on completion. They can take the quiz whenever they’re ready. Another motivational benefit of online training quizzes is that they build a sense of camaraderie. Employees can share their results and discuss them with peers. People who missed the same questions or are struggling with similar concepts can help each other improve, thereby cultivating a stronger online training community and culture of ongoing development.
7. Expand Your Online Training Reach
Encourage employees to share the quiz online when they’ve received their results, thus expanding your online training reach and connecting with a broader audience. If you’re selling the course, this allows you to increase sales and tap into new markets. But it can even be advantageous for in-house promotion. For example, employees share the quiz in your online training group, where it reaches staff members in international branches. Or those who may not visit the LMS as often to brush up on their skills. Another target demographic is potential job candidates who see the quiz on a friend or colleague’s page and decide to apply for the opening. Or you can vet their qualifications beforehand to see if they’re a good fit, then send them an invite.
Online training has the potential to be socially engaging and interactive because it eliminates geographical boundaries. Employees from different backgrounds can converge in one virtual space to share their experiences and insights. But they can also share their quiz results or give peers the power to test their own knowledge by posting the link, thereby taking your online training course to the next level of collaboration and strengthening your community.
Shareable quizzes aren’t the only way to include social media in your online training strategy. Discover creative ways to use social media groups to motivate and engage your remote employees.